Ten (Southern Cross) -- SCA selling to Ten

Discuss topics related to the SCA-owned Network Ten affiliate in Regional Queensland, NSW, Victoria and parts of Regional SA/Broken Hill.

Old thread: http://www.mediaspy.org/forum/index.php?/topic/18274-southern-cross-ten/page-54?

Discussions on other Ten affiliated stations like Tasmanian Digital Television (TDT) will continue in the SC10 thread like on the old forums.

Yeah, discussion about TDT and DDT may as well take place in the SC10 thread(s) because the joint venture Ten stations partly owned by SCA are basically run and programed like SC10 in all but name.


Well they’re not presented to the viewer as Southern Cross Ten. They’re quite unique in that they carry their own independent name and technically their own branding, particularly on business and community sponsorships. If we mostly discuss TV presentation and branding then I reckon a dedicated thread or threads would be good. There’s also the WIN-operated Ten’s which don’t have a home and wouldn’t fit in elsewhere.

I get they’re presented differently and I’ve previously thought the same thing before, but then thought it would probably be best just to keep it all under the one thread rather than splitting them all up and having mostly empty inactive threads everywhere. Really, there isn’t as much dedicated discussion on TDT, DTD etc. to warrant their own threads is there?

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No doubt they’re the least discussed commercial networks. But if someone opened up a TDT thread I wouldn’t want to close it, put it that way. They’re still unique and worthy of a thread if the discussion’s there.

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SC10 are using what look like 2013 Family Feud promos?

Because it had Ten’s recently departed V/O (now at Nine).

The last I checked, Family Feud wasn’t on our screens until July 2014 Luke! :wink:

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Oh whatever 2014 then. But my point was, their 2006 to 2014 male V/O isn’t back is he? He’s now on Nine right?

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He should probably tell Ten to cease use of any promotions he recorded during his employment with them.

I’m in Rockhampton at the moment and noticed that Alison Drower, Regional News Director of TV/Radio for SCA is reading local news updates.

What the? I’m not familiar with who the local presenter generally is but in my previous experience it’s usually been Aggie Bradshaw or Sam Hunt I think.

I guess Alison’s at least got some personality and wasn’t half bad but the updates are still shit and a waste of time putting them to air in my opinion.

So what ended up happening with One today? Still native HD, an upconvert or have they switched the channel to SD?

Definitely still native 1080i HD. Screenshot from just now:


It is native HD on One SC, but it still doesn’t look as good as the HD on WIN HD.

A number of reasons for this:

  • One HD is MPEG-2
  • For an MPEG-2 HD stream, the bitrate is low
  • It’s 1440x1080i instead of 1920x1080i

So therefore all the tv channels thatare HD in NZ should look far better because as I understand it free to air is all broadcasted in MPEG-4 there.My parents went over there about 3 years ago and said how clear and sharp the picture was on the HD there. Maybe a higher bitrate on MPEG-4.

How does Win’s HD compare to Ten’s HD ?

Looks like Ten isn’t interested http://www.smh.com.au/business/media-and-marketing/ten-chair-declares-no-interest-in-southern-crosss-tv-assets-20160310-gng8c0.html

The Australian reports Nine and Southern Cross Austereo are in preliminary talks about redistributing Nine and Ten signals into the same markets. It could see SC showing main channel plus the best secondary channel of Nine and Ten. Rural viewers will lose out under this proposal, especially if some sports are shown on multichannels (9Go!, 9Gem, or One) that SC will no longer transmit into its coverage areas.

Very interesting but sounds complicated Nine don’t want to deal with Bruce it seems. :slightly_smiling:

Sounds very clumsy and not in the interests of regional viewers. Country viewers are outraged enough now that they don’t get the full suite of metro channels or get them delayed. E.g. 9Life, 9HD, 7flix, Ten HD.

How much more outrage if existing channels are taken out of the picture.

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