Ten (Southern Cross)

A post was split to a new topic: Ten (Darwin Digital Television)

well they were less than 1/3 of the ratings that Prime7 and Nine had on Monday. (all stations combined) and WIN was nearly 6 points lower than Ten’s metro share… so they’re as popular as a wet fart on a windy winter’s afternoon in regionals.


I think you will find that those numbers were Sunday’s reported in error as Monday’s regional ratings were not available.

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Poor quality upload here, but here’s a rather interesting Christmas Id from 2005 that I just found (I just love the sound effect created as the Santa hat drops! :laughing:):


Old Masterchef Billboard:


Linking to that update reminded me of these two Noodle Updates that I never uploaded at the time, so here they are. The Coffs Harbour one was recorded when I was staying in Newcastle. It was the last update of the day (played on Eleven), I guess it was a mistake to play the Coffs instead of Newcastle one:


@Abesty There’s that little schoolboy presenting updates again.

A series of promos for jobs at Southern Cross (Ten) Broadcasting from c.2006-2008 starring Bob from Bob’s Courier Delivery Service. I wonder what we will think about this…

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A post was merged into an existing topic: Ten (Central Digital Television)

SCA “TV Guides” page updated to incorporate the new logos.


Have Ten SGS/SCN, Central and Darwin got updated LCNs and a HD feed of 10 Boss?

least Win hasnt covered up 10 on news First

hmm wonder why has 9 on foxtel got win logo on the tv guide :joy:

Does southern cross produce any noodle updates for any ten region

I think Northern NSW was the last Ten station to do them. 7 Central and 7 Darwin are a definite. I recall seeing them on Ten Central years ago but I don’t think that’s been the case since at least the Nine affiliation swap.

SCA already do a bulletin for GTS/BKN, but that doesn’t include updates throughout the day. Shame, a good way to promote the bulletin.

Um there are updates during day they screen during sunrise , the daily show and the 4pm news. There is a preview in the break between sport and weather. Also there are also 2 night updates. One focuses on news and the other weather.

My mistake, I thought Tasmania were the only ones to do updates through the day.

SCA are making their own 10 idents again. This one was spotted covering a sponsor billboard:


That’s not the worst thing they’ve done. I’m assuming it’s just a bunch of standard 10 idents spliced together with new music?