Ten (Mildura Digital Television)

It would be economical if the 10 main channel was in the existing 7 or WIN mux. More economical than powering a third transmitter.

Seven would be backed up by the fact that it doesn’t have to pay costs for programming supply (since it owns the station), and would be keeping 100% of revenue generated. Seven would also be earning money from all it’s other stations which can mean they can run a market like Mildura at a small loss.

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Getting messy, lessening viewer choice bit by bit. Just bite the bullet and humanely put down what is left of regional television and allow for national footprint licences for the metro networks. That is the only way to encourage the full suite of services for all viewers, metro and regional.

On top of the independent regionals not being able to stream their metro partner’s content, there is no BVOD revenue for the independent regionals either. As BVOD has been one of the areas of revenue growth for the metro networks, that is revenue that will be able to be generated by the likes of WIN, SCA or Imparja. This furthers the case to enable national footprint licences for 7, 9 and 10 and be done with it. As it stands, it is regional viewers who are the losers while the current out of date licence rĂ©gime stays in place.


Agreed, if MDT had its own local news they might but they don’t produce anything local

The best farewell you could imagine would be a “Thank you for watching from MDT” graphic but you’re right, a generic “this service is now closed” is probably all they’ll do (if anything)

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Agree, most likely the screen will just go black with no announcement at all.

Just like here in Newcastle when SC TEN shut down at around 1.05am in the middle of of the night in the middle of an ad break with no announcement that it was changing over to WIN back in 2017.


Seven’s graphic’s people are probably updating this slide for Mildura :laughing:.

Credit: @TV.Cynic


Before Prime (PTV) went on air in Mildura STV (WIN) aired Seven’s AFL matches and the Bathurst 1000. They also aired Beyond 2000 also from Seven (only because they refused to air Nine’s Sex programme due to its controversial content). And before MDT WIN aired movies and selected programmes from Ten.


It will be Interesting to see If the Yatpool, Ouyen, Robinvale & Underbool transmitters will be removed, or they will be kept at their sites for a future service.

When MDV changed to network 10 at midnight a slide said that technical work needed to be done until 5.30am when the service would resume but that was simply for a change over not a total close down of a station, I wonder If they will use some sort of test card before the transmitter is turned off after a potential slide is maybe used for 24 hours.


Wouldn’t they use the existing digital transmitters that Seven and WIN use ATM? I would guess they would still be there, just not transmitting MDT.

I would expect they’d start running tickers trying to do a “save your Ten - email your local member and get us a bailout” kind of stuff - but if the deadline hits without that, I’d assume it just gets switched off at midnight mid program.


It may be possible to move it into one of the existing MUXs, as I know back until in or around 2010, where the first carnation shut down. NITV was in the 4x LCN series at channel 44. It was then moved in with SBS I. December 2012

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It’s definetely possible if the bandwidth is available. For example WIN in Gippsland squeezed ABC on to LCN 2 in their mux when bushfires took out the ABC TV transmitter on Mt Tassie for several weeks after Black Saturday 2009.

I guess this was easily done technically as both WIN and ABC are played out from Mediahub.


Anyone know what the WDT transition at midnight 1 July 2016 looked like? Assuming it went straight to that loop


Faded into the loop on all three channels.


Not sure how all the contracts and everything would work but if they’re winding up from June 30 that seems to imply that from July 1 there is no company. To me that would mean there is no access to a broadcast medium anymore, no contracts, no playout facilities etc
 all those would have been wound up with the cessation of the business on June 30.

So this would mean there’s no way for them to do a title card or anything broadcasting after the fact, this is business and I’d expect that right on the stroke of midnight all the channels will go blank and the switch is just flicked off.

There might be messages scrolling across to email MP’s for a resolution but they’ll probably also just run some in the last week or two advising the services will be ceasing transmission at 11:59pm on June 30. Even that is probably not going to happen.


Broadcast will end on June 30, however, would probably take a few more weeks to wrap up the company, could run a slide for at least a day or two.

BTW is anyone actually going to be in Mildura to cap what actually happens come June 30?


The question is will they break transmission part way through a show or complete it even if it end at say 12:07am?

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There’s no requirement for the company to be fully wound up. It could sit there for a while dormant. It’s quite common actually for large organizations to keep subsidies registered but just not doing anything. I suspect that will be the initial plan here as 7 and WIN will probably be happy to resume transmission if there’s some sort of reform (which is really what they’re seeking) and it becomes financially viable.


Hope so, even if the most boring cut to nothing at midnight is most likely I’d hate for the only record of the actual shutdown to just be a photo of a TV screen taken on a phone