Discussion about Sky News on WIN (2018-2021) and Sky News Regional (2021- )
Even more promos:
When did Graham Richardson depart Sunrise as a contracted commentator and election analyst?
Man, I mustn’t have watched Sunrise fully for years.
I know this is only the first day and its a Sunday and I might be jumping the gun but that is not a good line-up at all, not one news bulletin throughout the day from Sky News itself. Forget the Sports content from FSN how is this a news service for regional Australia if they do not deliver news 7 days a week.
Even was a weekly commentator on Today from late 2013-2017 so before that.
Is Best of Bolt just an hour of commercials?
Sums up WIN News 100%!
The titlecard in between promos now changed to include start time:
The promos now say “Sunday” instead of “From Sunday September 2”:
More promos:
Going back to @djpower’s complaint yesterday, the afternoon schedule should really feature part of Laura Jayes’ program instead of repeating shows (Bolt & Mundine) which aired a day ago
I feel the Late Night Sky reruns during the day and overnight reveal the precise reason WIN are putting this channel on the air.
Gosh what a waste. Even steam mop ads on rotation would be better TV.
At a glance Fox Feed I thought was an hour of Fox News from the USA, but it is actually just rolling sports news from Fox Sports News. So nothing really.
So other than Headline News in the morning, it’s basically an OTA version of the online Sky News Extra 1/2/3 service - opinion programs on repeat. No actual news in afternoon and evening? I wonder if they’ll have headlines every X minutes?
It seems that Sky and WIN have set up links to do live crosses. Headline News this morning is doing live crosses to WIN reporter Tanya Dendrinos about an art theft in Launceston. Tanya appears to be in a WIN studio and has the standard WIN News key behind her.