My comment is a little off topic but…
Threads is available on Vimeo and is the most terrifying movie ever made. It gave me nightmares for a decade after I watched it.
My comment is a little off topic but…
Threads is available on Vimeo and is the most terrifying movie ever made. It gave me nightmares for a decade after I watched it.
I just watched the clip provided, perhaps need to watch the whole lot to feel some emotional attachment, thought it was thoroughly boring, poor SFX and lame captions on the screen, a bunch of average, grey and boring Pommies that I have no idea of getting blown up, whoopee do.
Read the bit I put in bold, and recommend you do so.
KOFM not taking the Triple M footy shows, again…
Big mistake, especially after last night’s result in Newcastle!!
apparently a music shift goes better. Even if they took just Sunday it’s better than the same flogged music.
Steve G on the Grill team this morning calling about the big sporting weekend in Newcastle.
If 2HD/New FM were up for sale, pretty much almost everyone would be in the running to buy the stations.
The possible candidates are:
Grant Broadcasters wouldn’t be able to buy the stations due to having a 30%+ overlap with the Muswellbrook licence area, where they already own 2NM/Power FM.
No loss there, as they’d be the first to rule out due to their inability to handle competition be it direct or indirect.
Nova under current ownership another to rule out. If it was DMG with Paul Thompson leading, add to the list to consider. Lachie however would find a way to slash and burn further.
At one time I would’ve liked a Nova run station in Newcastle, but we essentially have that with Star104.5 Gosford.
ARN I’m not too fussed on, though they do a good job in Brisbane with 97.3 & 4KQ.
EON are doing a good job with 2CH Sydney, though I believe the Macquarie network ties are holding them back, & similarly on the Sunshine Coast with SCA ties/agreements.
I’d love to see Capital Radio take over in Newie, big YES for Forever Classic 2HD, & NEWFM to go the way of SnowFM/EagleFM.
How would Greg Burns do in Newcastle?
Why not someone new? You know, someone that isn’t Nova, or ARN, or EON, or Capital, or WIN, or Macquarie?
You maybe?
I can see it now…
Cranky FM, where there’s never a dull moment.
There’s not enough mental institutions or resting places for the amount of people that would either go nuts or kill themselves upon my voice.
But seriously, new entrants need to be given priority for any new licenses or ones being put up for sale. It’ll never happen I know, but comments made in the Random Radio thread (the last ones by RFBurns and Brianc68) hit the nail on the head.
If we let the existing operators buy 2HD and New FM, I can tell you exactly what would happen:
ARN - 2HD becomes Gold/WSFM satellite, New FM becomes KIIS
Nova Entertainment - 2HD maybe left alone, New FM becomes Nova
EON Broadcasting - 2HD becomes 2CH satellite, New FM maybe left alone
Capital Radio Network - probably the least unfavorable of the bunch if they don’t form a joint venture with Grants and combine 2NM and Power FM into it. Both would be left alone to some extent. A CRN/Grant joint venture would wipe out 2NM/Power FM.
WIN - left alone, but would be nice to see if WIN starts a much needed competitor to NBN News based out of the 2HD/New FM news dept.
Macquarie - 2HD becomes 2GB satellite. New FM left alone.
Now, I know people would be saying, no they won’t do that, but the pessimist inside of me says, yes they bloody would do that. If there is money to be made by boning people left, right and centre, they’ll do it.
At least if an independent company comes in, preferably backed and run by people from Newcastle, who can stand out and say, we’re 100% Newcastle, compared to every other operator in the area who is own and/or run out of Sydney, could use the 100% local aspect as a great promotional and operational background. That is a better outcome.
What’s not to say that KOFM and (S)Hit FM won’t be run be 100% out of Sydney in a few years with SFA local presence. NBN/Nine probably will be, including news production I’d guess. How long before the Herald gets the arse from Fairfax? WIN and Prime don’t do crap in the area, and sadly that won’t change. The only local would be the ABC, and that’s if more funding isn’t removed. That would actually be a shame.
Well, considering that 2HD is an AM station as opposed to being on FM (apart from the fact that they have an FM translator at Port Stephens), I think they would have a more “Classic Hits” format similar to 4KQ/Cruise (which is more 60s/70s based), rather than a “Pure Gold” format like WS/Gold (which is more 80s/90s based).
Having a “Classic Hits” station in Newcastle/Hunter, whoever a new owner of 2HD might be (apart from maybe Macquarie), would fill the gap nicely in between KO & 2NUR.
Hate to tell you fine folk, but the fact is that SCA is trying to buy Caralis and has had offers out for ages. They would sell 2HD and NEW to another useless mob like the Camerons, to blunt competition and continue on their merry way, but with stations right through from Melbourne to Cairns and some nice little markets in the west of the state.
The goal is to have the highway coverage on the east coast fully covered by SCA
Seriously - both should be told to f**k off.
Why would it be a shame? Their content is a joke. It’s focussed on a very narrow audience target, I’m surprised it has any sizeable audience, the only reason for it is due to the poor standard of the commercial offerings.
ABC would clean up in Newcastle if they widened their content to what the majority of locals are talking and thinking about.
This is exactly what NEW FM should program, ditch the network feed, run a local log and completely separate local program to hollow out KO and most likely 2NUR. Of course, too much effort for Bill.
Yes, this is true. Great to point that out, thanks @Richo. Has been since RG Capital days. Tim Hughes, Rhys Holleran were always keen on buying Caralis.
It’s always made me wonder what deals were done for SCA not to buy Midwest Radio from the receivers.
Because its not the sole duty of the taxpayer to provide a local service that’s actually meant to be done by and large by the commercial sector. That is what I am afraid of if these companies are allowed to buy more and more of each other.
I don;t trust the commercial sector to do anything properly anymore. The regulators are toothless tigers. If they had any guts, SCA would be told, in all frankness - to fuck off. If I could, I’d literally tell them to fuck off, and use those exact words. Barred from buying anymore. I’d even go as far as telling the Camerons and Caralis to sell off some stations if situation change. Near total domination of the eastern seaboard by one company, with little to no competition in the areas of which they’re serving - that is not good for anyone.
I’d like to see a reach rule in radio, or at least one that prevents ownership of stations in adjacent markets.
But given the reach rule in TV is or has been abolished, it’s unlikely to be introduced for radio.