Instant Hotel

What I find funny (or interesting) is these people clearly have never worked their butts off to get these properties they are renting out on Airbnb. for example tonight’s couples included. Entrepreneur besties, A photographer and a hair dealer, country siblings who wake board and “socialites”

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They would not hold it off until next year but hopefully it does run a couple of weeks into December. It would be good for a change to have a network airing some new content into summer.


The final visit to an instant hotel is Monday 27 November. After that the finals begin.

The 4 eliminated couples make up the “jury” that stay at the sites that make the finals.


Thought so. They must rate the opposing groups winners hotel.

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Group 2 began with a stay at Terry and Anita’s house at Brisbane’s West End. Two things I didn’t like about the house: the $360 cleaning fee on top of $595 nightly rent (if that $360 is a bond I can accept that), and a perspex window on top of the lower level toilet, which means a person in the toilet can see others walking up and down the stairs. However it was also not acceptable for the guest teams to leave such a big mess when they checked out in the morning, did they realise they had to check out by 9am?

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The last Instant Hotel visit is Monday 27 Nov, First Final is Tuesday and Season Final is Wednesday 29 Nov

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I think in the two finals, the eliminated teams from group 2 stayed at Babe and Bondi’s apartment from group 1, and eliminated teams from group 1 stayed at the abode of top-placed group 2 team.

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Channel 7 must be kicking themselves they put this on so late in the year. It had the potential to go for months like MKR and even if you try that next year you can’t have these same teams again which are people you HATE to watch lol

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It’s all pre-recorded so it was always intended to run as it is.

I guess they’re testing it out. If it works, then next year they can do it with four rounds of teams or more.

It’s doing alright so I can imagine them going again with s few tweaks.


But I just wonder the amount of “characters” there are who own airbnbs that would agree to go on the show? It’s a specific market and type of person unlike amateur chefs.


Tonights episode was a perfect example of young people living off their parents and making money off their circumstance and privilege. So they rent out Michael’s parents mansion, What does Shay have to do with it? They are just friends not a couple so why does she deserve the spoils? That’s the problem with Airbnb. The houses arent even in tourist spots but rich people can still rent it out like a hotel.

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Also I did not like Mikey and Shay’s rule that guests had to feed the four cats, the koi fish and the two turtles during their stay. And as Juliet pointed out, the couple should have cleaned the moss off the water feature to get rid of the smell.
Terry and Anita won their group and would now face Babe and Bondi in the two-part grand final. The promo showed Brent and Leroy were part of the jury that stayed at both houses.

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Mikey and Shay just having tantrums throughout the night and talking about how rich they are and how much better they are etc… and then giving a low score because the others didn’t like the place. Have got no time for people like that but unfortunately there’s becoming more and more with the newer generations coming through.

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The jury for the grand final was made up of two eliminated teams from each group, while the grand finalist also got to judge its rival’s abode. I don’t think it is fair, it should be up to eliminated teams and Juliet to decide which team has the best accommodation.
Babe and Bondi spent quite a lot of money and effort on improving their Bondi apartment, but made a huge mistake by not removing plastic wrapping from the oven, causing it to give a stingy smell and ruining the food. It definitely marked down the team score and could be the difference between them winning and losing.

What does stingy smell like? :stuck_out_tongue:

Well the contestants all complained of burning eyes and an irritating smell.

That might have ben a stinky smell then rather than a stingy one. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I find it bizarre how all the contestants from the previous rounds have just disappeared and a random selection have come back to pick the winner. Clearly some of the teams like Mikey and Shay and the gay couple only came back as they were entertaining or “villains” as I’m not confident they are the fairest people to be picking a winner. At least the judge contributes to 50% of the score.

I really hope Babe and Bondi win. I never saw the other finalists hotel episode but I found them stubborn and up themselves throughout the entire round. I think Babe and Bondi’s hotel is very nicely designed and somewhere I would stay.

I have grown to love this show, it’s been a surprise little gem for me. A short and sharp series at this time of year that doesn’t require a lot of commitment. I hope it comes back. You would think it would be pretty cheap to make.

or the paid actors?

Wouldn’t it be more reflective of the true winner if the eliminated teams form each group went and stayed at the other winners houses? Therefore giving them an overall score? We already have the blonde lady judging on changes they made they don’t need people with gripes coming back.

Is this ratings well at all? I say if they bring it back next year, workshop some of the ideas to make the series go longer and maybe have challenge elements?

There’s going to be a second season of Instant Hotel. I just saw a promo calling for applications for another season of Instant Hotel.