Brands, Products and Promotions

I had to stop using Lynx some years ago as my friend told me she couldn’t stand the smell.

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Where is it available? Haven’t been able to find it at my local Woolies

I got it from Coles.

I like it better than the Coke No Sugar with Raspberry, which tasted like they poured some cordial in to some coke, but I won’t get it again. Lime worked much better.

Star Mart should have them now.

Like last night’s dinner…guess what’s coming back?


I can taste the reflux already

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Saw Coke Orange in a fridge the other day, intrigued me, might grab. I hear it’s good.

Also someone mentioend nutella or Kraft choc or whatever, I recently had a Nutella donut (remember that craze in Melbourne a year ago?) Good God they’re incredible

There are big bucks to be made if you can get your hands on the collectable cases used to house the minis from Coles.

Within a year most of them will be in landfill as the children will have moved onto something else.


Sour Watermelon Fanta is back again.

I also saw LA Ice Coffee Cola in woolies today :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


The West Australian has declared the ‘My Little Seed Garden’ newspaper promotion a commercial failure.

They have informed Newsagents and IGAs that customers will no longer need to collect daily tokens from the newspaper to be able to buy the seeds.

Dare Triple Shot Iced Coffee launches in a couple of days, at least where I am!

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Finally in WA… East Coast has had it for years and years (same with how we only got Mocha last year).

Really? I can’t find anything online about it

Whoops, I’m thinking about Dare Cold Press which has still never made it to WA.

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As much as I like my local Woolies, I don’t like the fact that they’re not stocking Pepsi Max with Raspberry. Thankfully, there is a Coles downstairs with it on special. :slight_smile:

Streets have brought out a premium Blue Ribbon product which they can actually label as Ice Cream.
They need to compete better with Connoisseur, I guess.

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They’ll have their work cut out for them with bold flavour choices like vanilla and chocolate :roll_eyes:


Nice to see they finally got with the times, nobody buys that cheap nasty ice cream anymore unless it’s for their children.

What happened to humanity?
