The team at The Living Room has made their verdict about the WIN blue mappy + Graham Norton Show promo watermark.
(Taken from WIN Hobart HD via my iPad pointed towards the hotel room TV)
The team at The Living Room has made their verdict about the WIN blue mappy + Graham Norton Show promo watermark.
(Taken from WIN Hobart HD via my iPad pointed towards the hotel room TV)
Haha, good one!
Meanwhile, here are the watermarks from the HD channels of NBN Nine and SCA Ten in Northern NSW which are ever so slightly different to the metro versions:
I really think these promo bugs could be both less intrusive and more effective if rather than be a solid bug with text - which you eventually tune and on ignore - they animated on and stayed for 10 second then animated away.
So, the RPG come sup after the break and tells us NOW, NEXT and LATER and fades to just network bug.
Then in the middle of the programme segment, the promo bug animates on, tells us what we need to know, stay on screen 10 seconds - animates off.
Or do the networks still do pop ups as well as these bugs?
Haha. The arrow even points down to it!
[quote=“TV.Cynic, post:1460, topic:252, full:true”]
One of the better styled watermarks
[/quote]WIN’s Bull in-program promotional mark is hideous in comparison:
Subtle, but effective.
Purple Seven logo for the AFLW match in Darwin this evening. Any special reason?
International Women’s Day - the AFLW logo is using purple in place of orange for all Round 6 matches
Worse than mappy.
Srsly, we need mappy as a emoticon.
The screaming emoji ( ) is appropriate for use in any reference to “mappy”.
Extremely easily.
During Gogglebox the Ten watermark was perfectly aligned with the original shown on the recorded programs, it was just slightly more opaque than usual.
It looked like they were watching a clean feed, but the Ten W/m was there on Foxtel on Wednesday, just less opaque.