The ABC iView stream of today’s Insiders for whatever reason again (it happened last week too) had two watermarks: ABC and ABC News 24.
But it got worse right at the end of the programme when they showed Bill Shorton on Network Ten’s Studio 10, presumably recorded in Canberra so WIN’s horrid huge solid mappy logo made an appearance, under the two ABC watermarks:
Bruce must be so happy the ABC (WIN’s partners in MediaHub) showed this instead of recording from Ten, and if anything I suspect it’d only reaffirm his belief that solid mappy was the way to go.
I actually saw ET on a TV when I stopped by McCafe earlier this afternoon and noticed that they had the big WIN mappy with the normal Ten watermark visible underneath.
This lasted about 10 minutes before it changed to the much more pleasant circle coverup.
Why can’t WIN stick with the watermark they had since July 1. Or the WIN watermark using prior to the swap (without the Nine HD logo). Or… use the smaller, transparent version of mappy they have used before.
[quote=“TV.Cynic, post:1446, topic:252, full:true”]
Happens commonly at this time when TEN does “recovery mode” equipment testing.[/quote]It seems not a week goes by when someone doesn’t make comments about this.
It’s nothing new. This typically occurs every Wednesday afternoon (on the odd occasion a Thursday or Friday).
As this is nothing new, I’m surprised (only a little ) that WIN are still slow to react to changing over from the use of mappy to the circle coverup when temporarily receiving the dirty feed.
[quote=“BigVic, post:1454, topic:252, full:true”]
The blue map WIN watermark is ugly![/quote]Certainly is. But as it’s been used for… what easily a few months now? It looks to be a permanent thing, unfortunately. For viewers that have no alternative (like the computer illiterate elderly viewers), I feel sorry for them to have to endure this blue blob on a full-time basis, along with the equally large promotional mark that often accompanies it.