US Politics

Seven’s graphics a winner in the debate over Nine’s. Seven’s look neat and take up minimal screen space while Nine’s are overpowering with multiple boxes that don’t line up or even seem to have a purpose - why have “US Presidential Debate” in a box and have “Trump and Clinton in Second Debate” as well? I thought they were supposed to be going for a “modern clean” look - if so why all the clutter and shadows? I especially don’t get the “shadow” effect above “Social Media”.

Thursday 20 October

12:00 PM Seven News Special: US Presidential Debate
Live coverage of the final Presidential debate between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump.

01:30 PM Seven Afternoon News

7 news headline - ‘Clinton wins 2nd debate’

Says it all about the media really.


that they’re reporting on what happened?

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I’m not sure how much you know about politics, particularly US politics, but victors of debates are for your own personal opinion, not for a media outlet to choose a side when they really should be being objective.

Don’t forget, 7/11 was a part time job.

Trump didn’t answer a single question. Instead he interrupted and spoke about what he wanted, not what the people wanted to hear.

They are reporting the near unanimous verdict. I’m not sure how much you know about politics, but that happens following every single debate.

Just a degree in US politics, you?
Just because everyone does it doesn’t mean I think it’s right.

Considering we can’t even vote for the President, who the fuck cares if Seven describes what actually happened?

Just a degree in US politics, you?

Political science and journalism ethics.


I’m giving examples of how bias our media is. Everyone seems to talk about how bias Fox News is lol
Have you seen the Clinton News Network CNN!!!

And I don’t recall asking you. I was simply pointing out the fact that I know what I’m talking about after my political knowledge was the subject of question.

Of course, remembering that you own personal bias shapes your view on whether certain media organisations are biased!

Ok, well going by that logic, don’t say Fox News or Sky News is bias.

I won’t, especially given the phrase you’re looking for is “biased”.

While you’re there, it’s worth reading up on confirmation bias. Might explain what you feel (and I don’t mean that in a snarky way at all)


I don’t need media bias to tell me that Trump is unhinged and unfit to lead the world’s biggest democracy. His own words, attitude and behaviour during this campaign have made that abundantly clear.


I think the message Waleed sent tonight on The Project is exactly right, and it is something I see in every day discussion. We need to stop taking Donald Trump as a joke. What he does and says is not funny. It is completely wrong. The media need to stop making fun of his comments and need to begin to think of them as serious. This guy could, potentially, be the next President and it would be outrageous if he were in power.

I know I said it doesn’t matter if he or Hillary were president but he has the potential to create a riot and a potential World War 3. He is seriously dangerous if he had power. We forget about all the things he has said and done throughout his campaign because he has said SO much ridiculous comments. For example the comment about killing Terrorist groups families and those not even involved… If this man became president he has the words to influence the gullible to walk with him, see comments above. And we only need a small number of people to get in this ‘riot’ to create a larger number of ‘followers’.

I really hope America vote and vote the correct way. I am normally all for letting people vote the way they want to vote but this is seriously not right.


Everything looks leftist from the far right, hence why our Australian conservatives like Bolt and Jones fall over themselves to attack the most trusted media outlet in the country. I am on the centre left of the political spectrum but at least I can recognise that the ‘middle’ of political discussion is not my worldview.

It is a worrying sign though that in the US, conservatives have rejected the idea of a ‘baseline truth’. We now have partisan outlets like Breitbart which basically refute even the most basic and agreeable notions of politics if it goes up against something Trump said. And Trump cites these outlets in his speeches! How will the US ever govern anything effectively ever again if one side of the political spectrum lives in a safe space media bubble and exists only to attack attack attack the other side regardless of the merits of the opposition’s arguments.

Trump will most likely lose in November. What will remain beyond that are his supporters, and that is truly scary. One day a ‘better’ version of Trump will run for office and we won’t be so lucky.


I’m not sure Trump “won” that second debate, but Clinton very clearly did not. It was a marked improvement from Trump - after a very poor showing in the first debate.

Also, on the topic of media bias - it is very clear there has been much anti-Trump bias in American media. However, the coverage after the leaked tape this weekend was clearly warranted.

I think I saw a table recently which listed “mainstream news outlets” as one of the top things Americans hate. Just think how messed up news media has to be in a country for the public to hate the delivery of news. Therefore, it’s not a surprise that websites like Brietbart pop up. However, linking Breitbart as somehow representative of the “right-wing” or Donald Trump, is another example of media bias itself.

This is a phenomenon observed in most western countries at the moment. It’s why, in part, the Brexit vote was successful. The mainstream media grabs “extreme” right-wing views and paints them against centre-left views. Therefore, in the eyes of the mainstream media, Nigel Farage was representative of Brexit, therefore Brexit was a horrible idea. A serious misunderstanding by the establishment in UK media and politics. That’s not how normal people view issues.

Q&A and Question Time in the UK are famous for this type of fudging. And it rightly pisses anyone off (that has a brain and appreciates balanced debate).

Actually, I find Waleed Aly more “dangerous” than anyone running for elected office.

Donald Trump is running for President, and therefore putting forward an agenda that the American people will either endorse or reject.

Waleed Aly, in contrast, is shouting from the sidelines constantly wanting to bully people into his political views. And as recent political events in the US and UK show, when media participants are clearly biased, that diminishes people’s trust in news media. Trust which is so vital to a functioning democracy.


I don’t agree at all. Sorry.

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