US Politics

Oh I meant it! I think he would go down as one of the great presidents! I use my brain to make my own judgments not what I’m told by the media.

Great to have you on this media discussion website.


Yeah cause the Republicans have had a great success rate in recent presidencies.

I also use my brain to make my judgments but I have not come to the same conclusion… He would not become one of the greatest presidents. If he would to become president he could possibly make Hitler look like an ok leader.

EDIT: But in all seriousness there is going to be no difference between He and Hillary. They aren’t the ones who run the country. They are essentially just figure heads. At least we won’t have radical, racist/sexist comments coming from Hillary’s mouth. But in terms of what is passed through parliament it will be the same no matter who is elected.


People running a fear campaign that Trump will be a dictator, hitler like etc! Obsurd!
I would’ve voted for Al Gore, John Carey, Obama in 08 & 12, but it’s time to give someone else a go, it’s time to change the way, a fresh way!
It’s not like there has been much improvement in America and the world! The democrats take the Latino and black vote for granted!
I still think Trump can win, but it all comes down to tomorrow 11am.

Even now after everything that’s happened over night? CNN reporting speculation that there are ways trump can be kicked off the ticket if he falls on his sword. Talk as well that the RNC will defund the campaign and use the money to shore up house and senate races to try save some seats in both houses of congress.

This is a disaster. I’m loving watch this campaign implode.


I dont think you understand politics… they have to give someone a go. You can only run for two terms. Its not about giving a party a ‘go’. What an absurb justification

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Is that Jim Carey’s cousin?? Perhaps Drew Carey’s brother??

I think you refer to former democratic nominee and current Secretary of State John Kerry.

Edit: didn’t meant to quote your post turdall. Was meant to be a reply to the other poster.

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A major in US politics.

Note - Queensland time


I’ll be watching.

I just thought it was some terrible terrible spell checking haha

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Dump Trump - has a nice ring to it :grinning:


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