US Politics

Not a Trump supporter, but the media bias towards Clinton alongside story manipulation on a variety of platforms (mostly social media) has been shockingly blatant this election cycle. Iā€™m sure its happened in the past but this time around they are making poor attempts to hide what theyā€™re doing. It hasnā€™t stopped since Sanders started getting support in the primaries. Not to mention sections of the media are falling down the same slippery slope that media organisations in the UK did that supported the remain campaign for the EU referendum - theyā€™re starting to look elitist, smug, and arenā€™t afraid of calling the masses idiots/dumb for not agreeing with them.

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All these people complaining about the bias coverage seriously thinking that trump deserves a fair go?? That he deserves to be president??

The media have taken editorial positions against this vile human.

And Fox News are bias in favor of trump. So thereā€™s the alternative for the people bemoaning the main media favoring Clinton.

All in all Clinton is pretty bad as well. But trump is worse.


I seem to remember reading somewhere recently that a newspaper in one of the more conservative areas of the United States (which has previously always endorsed the Republican party) is endorsing the Democrats for the very first time this election. Thatā€™s how bad Donald Trump is.


Iā€™m not asking for trump to be given a fair go, Iā€™m saying that if your going to go searching through his history, finding stuff to bring him down then do the same for Clinton (or at least be objective!!) and you will find that she is even more vile. The fact she successfully defended a man who raped a 12 year old girl before admitting he was guilty speaks volumes of the women - all for herself.

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I canā€™t wait to see what happens between now and January.

Martial law?

People wearing tin foil hats?


Media Watch had a good segment on Trump and the media

According to Mediaquant, Trump has received $4.6 billion worth of free publicity since last September.

Which is almost double the $2.5 billion worth that Hillary Clinton has received.

And while much of the coverage has been negative, Trump knows better than to worry, because, according to Don Watson ā€“ whoā€™s an expert on US politics and Paul Keatingā€™s former speechwriter ā€“ Trump worked out long ago that being in the public eye is all that matters.

DON WATSON: He realised that people donā€™t really listen to the media, they simply see it while theyā€™re on their treadmills, or while theyā€™re going to work, or in the backs of taxis, or whatever, and so long as your face is on it, itā€™s working for you.

ā€” ABC RN Breakfast, 30 August, 2016

Holy fuck. Look at some of the things heā€™s said and advocated for.

ā€˜Objectivityā€™ is different from ā€˜balanceā€™. Objectivity is calling a spade a spade (or Trump a dangerous quasi-fascist loudmouth), and balance is what happens when you give climate scientists and climate deniers equal airtime.

All Mexicans are rapists. Blood out of her wherever. Tax plan which will triple the annual deficit. Women should be punished for seeking an abortion. I only like soldiers which arenā€™t captured. Grab a pussy. Kill the families of terrorists. Why canā€™t we nuke the Middle East, said Trump to a senior intelligence official. I donā€™t value NATO. My vice president advocated for the most homo- and transphobic laws in American history whilst Governor. I get so angry when I get home and she hasnā€™t made dinner. Mocks a disabled journalist. Khan family. Tweets about Miss Universe, advocating the populace watch a sex tape, at 3 fucking am. Brags about penis size during a primary debate.

Yeaahhh the media is being totally biased guys.


Next to no one in Australia would know the intricacies of Clintons email scandal, but when trump legally tries to minimise his tax, itā€™s headline news in Australia.

Yeah, because the email scandal is three years old. Itā€™s a Fox News talking point, just like Benghazi.

Trumpā€™s 1995 tax returns were released last week. They demonstrate he lost a billion dollars in one year and may then have never had to pay a cent in taxes since. This is despite him running for his business ā€˜acumenā€™.

The media may be anti-Trump, but it is deservedly so. And it hasnā€™t necessarily been kind to Clinton either, hence why the email scandal and health issue stories havenā€™t gone away. The only reason why it seems the press has been decidedly anti-Trump is because heā€™s just that bad. Clinton isnā€™t perfect, but sheā€™s the lesser of two evils for sure.


The bottom line in is that nothing he did was illegal. Hilary Clinton destroying her iPads and blackberrys with hammers and acid while Secretary of State containing over 30,000 confidential emails, as the FBI said - illegal, yet no punishment? The Clintons are protected species.

The State Department has been doing that for decades. The same was done during the Bush presidency. It is the only way to dispose of electronically stored classified documents without any risk of recovery.

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So that makes it ok?
No wonder Trump has so much support. Riding the anti-establishment wave.

If all was OK with the world then fine, but all is not OK with the world. Itā€™s time to give someone else a go. Someone like Trump!

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Oh my goshā€¦


Kill me now.


ā€œsomeone like Trumpā€ā€¦how about anyone else BUT Trump.


Iā€™ll be right there!

Sure the reports make Hillary look good, but thatā€™s because Trump has said some downright creepy stuff, including:

ā€œIā€™ve said that if Ivanka werenā€™t my daughter perhaps Iā€™d be dating herā€

He sounds so presidential, doesnā€™t he!
I donā€™t think Hillary has toyed with incestial relations.

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Yeah this wonā€™t end badly.

I know the idea of a revolution seems appealing to some, but 99% of the time either nothing changes or the old set of problems are only replaced by a new variety of bigger issues. Iā€™m all for overthrowing a corrupt government when there are actual problems, but a lot of the anti-establishmentism in American politics can be boiled down to ā€œThereā€™s a brown President and I donā€™t like itā€. Fact is there were 15 million new jobs created under Obama and the wealth inequality divide is starting to reverse over there, which is great. It doesnā€™t sound like a record which justifies overthrow.

Ditto with the UK and Australia. ā€œIā€™m scared of foreignersā€ is basically the party platform of UKIP and One Nation.


Oh please tell me you didnt mean this.

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