US Politics

And in practice?

You can’t really think this applies in the real world of US politics today?


Perhaps not in reality but it is apart of their constituion. Anyway my point is I don’t wish to read about a mythical antichrist in the US politics thread.

Okay so what does everyone think of the current Democrats in the ring for the presidential nomination?

Well I agree with that. The whole Antichrist story is very overblown and irrelevant.

Biden is Hillary 2.0 and has an enormous amount of baggage that can be exploited (literally endless shots of him touching women and kids in a creepy way in public). If he is the successful nominee, Trump will win in 2020.

Harris is corrupt as hell (just look at the shit that went down with Jussie Smolett, let alone the rest of her career) and is trying to cover up her real history while pretending to appear super progressive.

A Warren / Sanders ticket would be the best option IMO.

The other candidates won’t make it.


I don’t think she can win, but boy Elizabeth Warren would shake things up if she did. The US is in need of a dose of the hard left to correct their course.


Not often that Australia makes the front page of the news in America.

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Seems like just narrative spin made by the media down there.

No one really knows what was said in the convo with the pm except for Trump and Morrisson.

There will be a full transcript on record though.

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I find this whole fiasco hilarious :rofl:

12 months out from the biggest election in a generation.

Cant come soon enough to be honest. Trump needs to go. I was reading on CNN that he is threatening to cut funding for calirfornia fires. What the fuck is wrong with the man? (i use that term loosely)


I had to sit and wait in an government office the other day, and it had his Cheetos-like face beaming down at me. Had to turn to an awkward angle and watch the inane goings on of Live with Kelly and Ryan.

The framed portrait of the president (and sometimes the first lady) that is omnipresent in federal government offices and other installations (often at TSA security seeing or Immigration) always seemed very North Korea-esque to me.


You know what the opposite may well happened.

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The opposite will likely happen. Which is extremely scary. I cannot understand how anyone can support Trump.

that is what they said about the 2016 Selection.