Triple M Network

Melbourne’s JB and Billy are set to move Into 4-7 Weekdays I think???

Just heard a sweeper promoting Triple M’s Classic Rock Summer… which ended with something like “And Nova’s music sucks… a lot”.

Lol. I haven’t heard that one before.


Childish, audience do not care for attack sweepers. It’s a fight best kept away from the public. Shows lack of discipline.


Don’t you mean their “Cold Chisel and Cricket” summer? :slight_smile:


I have to admit I haven’t heard much Chisel this summer on the Ms, but I for one (and I am probably in the minority here), like hearing 80s Aussie Rock on Triple M.


In the last Sydney radio survey of 2016, Triple M was 8th in the ratings behind the ARN stations, the Nova stations, Triple J, 2GB and 702 ABC, so I wouldn’t exactly say that Triple M is one of Sydney’s most popular radio stations at the moment.

Personally, I doubt that Triple M’s recent heavy emphasis on sport and the decision to run an overnight talkback program will help their overall ratings much in the Sydney market this year.

I agree that automated music all night doesn’t make for great listening, but is there any reason why SCA can’t just have an announcer on (whether it’s live, pre-recorded or whatever) talking about the songs being played? There are other radio stations doing talkback in the midnight-dawn timeslot, so I’m not sure that Triple M needs to be joining in.

Comparing Triple M to Smooth FM is like comparing apples and oranges.

I’m not sure about everyone else, but I get the general impression from their marketing that Triple M Sydney (especially “The Grill Team” breakfast show) is primarily aimed at male bogans. TV ads like this and [this] ( especially scream “this station is for male bogans” to me.

I’d probably say that the promotion and marketing for WSFM (since you pointed the station out, I’ll use them as an example) targets a broader demographic and perhaps not coincidentally, has usually rated better than Triple M in the Sydney market for a few years now. While I’d like to see some things changed with WSFM, I certainly wouldn’t say that Triple M are less targeted towards the male bogan demographic with their promotion and marketing…


Some people want to listen to just music. I’d much prefer automated music than Bona.


please do then - you have a choice of let’s see… ummm… Smooth 95.3, Nova 96.9, WS 101.7, 2Day 104.1, KIIS 106.5 plus a bunch of community stations as well… doesn’t seem to be a problem finding something for you.

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If people want to know what an engaging music driven hosted midnight to dawn show sounds like, I’m currently listening to After Midnight with Janice Long on BBC Radio 2. She just played Led Zeppelin and yet she doesn’t sound bogan or talk about sensationalist topics and yet remains engaging. And BBC R2 is number one - with males AND females.

That’s how it’s done.


in the UK.

We’re in Australia, mate.

There’s little difference.

Thanks mate, but I’m Australian too.



is it aimed at blokes who live on the dole with mullets and 3 teeth? As I said I’d make a few changes but I think an overnight talk show there’s nothing wrong with that and who said the show was for bogans, same with the sport. Some of the angles and prizes etc could be mellowed to suit both genders.
But back to Bona I think with mid dawns you should break the monotonous and a talk show does that, they would have music in between I’m sure but playing the same songs overnight 3 or 4 times such as rag n bone mans “Human”, breaking it up with something different. Those who work night shift would no something engaging is so much better than music, even with an announcer. Plus I’m some regional areas you don’t get a high quality talk back show, besides this (you’d get the ABC but sometimes they can be dreary).
But I see a lot of people getting generalised into bogans here such as footy fans, cricket fans sport lovers in general. I know many people who love League, AFL, Cricket, Supercars, Rugby, Soccer etc etc that are not bogans.

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Hate to be the bearer of bad news, but…

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That is bad news. The BBC is making some odd decisions imposed by budget cuts with regards to radio, particularly Radio 1 and 2. There’s already quite a backlash brewing. They’re a bit like RN in that they think pod casting is the future. They’ll abandon this I predict.

there’s little difference between UK and Australian radio? You are kidding mate. There’s a huge difference.

The main difference is that the Poms talk over the beginning and end of songs- that irritates me. They do have a more down-to-earth, “how are you Mrs Jones?” type presentation, though, which I enjoy. Australian radio is closer in style to American radio, minus the innumerable ads for Geico and credit agencies.

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The main difference (for me) is that it’s way better overall in terms of variety, presentation and overall quality. I can actually listen to the radio for long periods when in the UK. Personally I also think music selection is vastly superior, even on commercial stations. Just my opinion of course but I do notice similarities as well including a mix of public and private stations, overall formats etc.


Agree it is a calmer more down to earth presentation style which appeals to me as well. Like the early days of FM here.

Yes they do occasionally talk over the start of songs though :slight_smile:


Unless you happened to be listening to Triple M Sydney last Friday night, where the same ad for a credit agency was on loop for about 40 minutes!

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