
Still early days, but current trends are showing that Matt isn’t working.


More accurately…
Showing improvement in Brisbane, holding strong in Adelaide and Perth, and okay in Sydney.
Melbourne needs attention.

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Today just won Brisbane, Sydney and Melbourne.

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A few things:

  • Sunrise always seems to be losing ground at around the 2nd half of the year. The last two years seems to back this up, though it’s unusual for it to lose ground this late into the year. Could be presenters or content, but it’s more likely the following.

  • Seven’s primetime ratings since the conclusion of SAS has been horrendous. Barely a night of above 25% in network shares with Nine owning them night after night. Most of the audience from the night before are from Nine and in the morning it seems most of their screens just so happens to be on Nine and they liked what they saw on Today and stuck with them. Seven need eyeballs at the moment which won’t happen when they have that flop Big Brother in the schedules.


Yes. I was talking about the trend, not yesterday.

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Totally agree! This is what I suggested a few weeks ago.

Compared to the equivalent day last year Sunrise was steady, Today was up by +25,000 and News B was down 30,000.


And is doing so on a regular basis! That’s the trend.

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Or that Sarah IS working

9News/ACA/Today constantly running the story about the lady in Brisbane who died from a heart attack after the ambulance didn’t turn up.
It’s been a lead story every bulletin for days.
I am not diminishing the tragedy of this or disrespecting the life of the woman who has died, but wondering why it being discussed over and over with no new information, and when there seem to be more factors that need to be questioned around what happened, not just an ambulance not turning up.
A terrible thing to have happened, but if there’s no new angle, 9 need to leave it alone and let the family get on with what they need to do.


Seems to be the usual thing, I’ve noticed it also. Same thing happened during Covid… Facts not Fear promo was a bit of a joke… more Fear then facts IMO. Harping on and on and on. Just gets tiring. If there is no new information like you said. They just need to drop it.

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I have no issue with them still discussing it. Too often, these personal trajedies disappear too quickly from public view, and accountability towards the government / instrumentalities disappears.

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The problem is there is no new information besides whats already been discussed, and is also has a slight tinge of sensationalism that is the cherry on top. Something that Nine (more commonly, QTQ) do best.

This doesn’t stop the fact that what happened here is nothing short of tragic.


Agree. It’s about maintaining their ongoing hyped agendas… “ramping crisis”, “teen crime crisis” etc. I get the sense it’s also a bit political.
It’s not working for 9News Brisbane as their ratings slide continues.
Today still strong though in Brisbane.


The Cheap Seats should do a segment of every CRISIS that we are now facing :wink:

Housing, rental, teen crime, ambulance, child care, cost of living …

The real message is "news ratings crisis "


It doesn’t help that most of the promos for QTQ9 News sprinkled through out the day are for ‘Lifestyle’ stuff, how to save on ‘x product’, etc.

Less of the sensationalist promos they are well known for.

Going off topic tho. (Today thread)

Great idea for a segment, anyone at Ten taking notes?


Clint mentioned on Jase & Lauren that this is his last weekend on Weekend Today for the year on Sunday.

I’m guessing it could be the same for Jayne?


When’s the last day of the weekday team??


Coverage of the hostage release this morning, though it seemed to be less than what was seen on Sunrise.


Last week was Today’s second best week of the year in several respects. The show made it to 200k metro viewers for the second time and it was the second closest margin between Today and Sunrise for the year at under 12,000. Compared to week 47 of last year, Sunrise was down 5,000 and Today was up 20,000 while News Breakfast was down 40,000. The average margin between the two shows for the last 4 weeks has been less than 10,000.

#EXCLUSIVE: Go backstage with Sarah at Christina Aguilera’s Melbourne show! Only on Today from 5.30am Monday. 🔥#9Today

— The Today Show (@TheTodayShow) November 25, 2023