Today (2016 revamp)

I really do like the new look from Today :slightly_smiling:. Simple yet effective, which I like to say.
Sunrise graphics look good, but too rigid/serious for a breakfast show. Today pulled it off with more of an Australian based graphic style which will appeal to the audience a lot more.

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Looks like a bigger change than I was expecting! :open_mouth: I personally like the Nine News style graphics. Simple and easy to read, while being consistent with their current On-Air Appearance :+1:


More pictures of the refreshed set from the TODAY facebook page:


They have so much room in that studio and so many wide shots look so empty, there’s nothing warming about it at all.

They needed to do something better with the flooring in the set areas, black is so dark and makes it all look so temporary.

All the different styles / colouring of the panels around the set are awful too, it’s too much of a mashup of textures and finishes.

That desk looks too retro and possibly could have been better with different coloured lighting and a screen on the front would make it better but it still looks too small.

How was the transition from Today to Today Extra?


Not a big fan of either the new graphics. Checked out the new look on the big TV first. Didn’t like the blue and orange shades that are used or the fonts. The headline font is too large, the small font is too bold and it’s a shame some more detail couldn’t have been included since it is a HD channel. It all seems to be out of proportion or perhaps the wrong way around. I would have put the blue textured bar as the headline bar (and slightly smaller) then had the white bar at the bottom but a lot more transparent and with a finer font. I would also have made the orange parts all match - now for example the orange :::9 watermark is a different colour to the “live” and the feature banners - why? That logo needs an overhaul as well - it currently looks like a dark orange dome rather than a sunrise.

It does look slightly better on a smaller screen - perhaps that is the intended audience?

It’s a Today not a Sunrise. :stuck_out_tongue:

Looks like they are advertising a new season of The Dome :slightly_smiling:


Today snow dome. Coming soon. :stuck_out_tongue:


I have to agree with @killy06 there that there is a number of different textures and patterns. The issue I have with that is that it is distracting , but also it there doesn’t seem to be factors to the set that unify the wanted look of the show. The previous set looks much more welcome to the viewer at home; those wooden textures, plants, knick-knacks, kitchen setting that we saw I found really appealing.

And those skyline set pieces that we’re used on the then “Mornings” look out of place from the skyline that is used as the main background for the plasma. Very GMA inspired :confused:

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It’s too white. Just like television hosts in this country. :wink:

Speaking of that, How did WIN deal with the Nine watermark today?

The amount of desks that the Nine Network go through is astonishing!
The new look is better, but as other have said, still looks like a wall with a desk. Very temporary looking.
Unsure how I feel about the graphics, its very Nine News, but then again Nine News could be changing.


Can’t say I’m 100% over the moon with either Sunrise or Today…

BUT this Today set is pretty good, looks much less ‘fussy’ than Sunrises.

I guess they’ll wear on us during the year.


anybody get a video of the opener or anything?

This was from Sydney City TV.


I think the main difference between the Today set and the Sunrise set is the background, Today’s background screen can change depending on topic.

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He opener is very GMA.
The breaking news bumper instantly reminded me of sunrise though lol

It looks a lot better in video than in stills in my opinion.

Thanks @Nicholas for the caps. And to fill the gaps. First up the opener.

For anyone instead, between 5.30-7.30, the only thing that has changed format wise is the 7am style news headlines at 5.30, which was introduced last Monday.

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