The X Files

Do you think that had more to do with the shows that they had on offer? For example a series of The Biggest Loser that was actually supposed to be used as a shorter run series the previous year?

Obviously what I am talking about was just part of the problem but it contributed.

Ten insisted on having all their 7.30 shows finish 10-15 minutes before Seven and Nine’s programming - same happened with Masterchef so that the lead out programs had no chance as well. However, it wasn’t just the finish times - their shows all started on the dot of 7.30 while Home and Away and ACA all seemed to run 5-10 minutes late. While The Block was on, ACA was notorious for going to an advert at 7.28 and coming back to just previews of the next day. Good ratings tactic but not respectful of viewers.

I understand many networks do it. I hate it and this is what puts me off watching free to air television. I honestly only really watch sports now on free to air and watch the majority of my shows on streaming services.

I guess my point is I can’t see X Files doing any differently or any worse starting at 8:30 than 9:00/9:15.

Which makes me wonder why you’re so concerned about Ten doing well if you watch nothing on it?

Not about ten I would just rather watch show on tv rather than online or streaming services. It could save on my data.

There were plenty of 90min episodes of Celebrity last year, this is nothing new. I’m glad episode 2 is 90mins, there will be a lot of content of the contestants getting to know each other etc.

Mock for temporary watermark

Ridiculous this wasn’t on last night

Agreed. I really wanted to watch it last night.

Kind of agree. But with what as a lead in at 7.30?

Who cares about a lead in? If you really wanted to watch it you would. They could have even shown it on One or Eleven. Waking up this morning I’m seriously considering downloading it.

The first episode received mixed reviews when it aired late Sunday night after live NFL. Initial ratings reveal it was watched by 13.4 million viewers, although that figure will be adjusted since the show started 23 minutes late.

Who cares about a lead in? If you really wanted to watch it you would.

Anyone who programs a network for profit.

Not everyone knows to tune in at a given time.

A large chunk of s shows’s success is dependent on lead in.

Hello 7 News at 6

X Files could have aired at 7.30pm

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Total viewership numbers :confounded:

Its share was 5.1 which is enormous for a drama- nothing has come close recently (besides the first few eps of Empire). However there’s going to be a large drop when the figures are adjusted and a further drop tonight (Monday US) when there isn’t that NFL lead in. I’m expecting high 3s to low 4s. Which is still an outstanding success if that were to happen.

Like you said reviews were very mixed, many agreed it wasn’t that great but it wasn’t bad enough to ruin the series return. Luckily the first episode was left on a cliffhanger so it’s likely that it’s quality won’t affect Monday’s ratings too much.

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When was the last time a drama worked at 7.30?

Always Greener?

Right. So 13 years ago.

Not a great track record of drama working at 7.30. People don’t go looking or drama at 7.30 - the show would have died before it began

I agree it would have been great at 8.30 last night - but without a strong lead in…not so sure.

Perhaps an all new hour of Modern Family - as a one off? But as an island at 8.30 by itself - no - better to wait for the Celebrity lead in I think

If you were talking about a new show, I would agree. But I think X Files is a different case.

Either way, slow-tracking means The X Files will die in this country.

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Mcleods Daughters worked back in its hey day.

I guess the difference is we have never seen a drama rated M at 7:30. So we can’t get a fair comparison to see if it would rate.

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