The final of the UK version set up brilliant with the introduction of a new twist.
The Seer power, won by one player in a mission, enables the holder to learn the true identity of one player. The holder decided to use the power to reaffirm the person they’re most sure is a Faithful actually is - but in doing so has picked out the last remaining Traitor.
The BBC have a Strictly size hit ratings-wise on their hands with the Traitors now.
I do wish 10 would put S2 of the UK version on P+ though to watch it without ads.
I’m guessing, if 10 still have the rights to the UK version, they’re holding out to air it after the US one has played out and might drop it on full on 10 play.
Paramount+ only has the first seasons of both the UK & US version, so doubt they’ve secured SVOD rights for both to put them on there given the local version largely tanked.
The BBC’s hit reality TV show The Traitors’ third season has gone out with a bang. The murder mystery game set > in a Scottish castle won an audience of 7.4million viewers, according to BARB audience figures supplied by
This is well up on last year’s finale, which drew an audience of 6.9million.
Claudia was a special guest on this week’s episode of The Graham Norton Show, so naturally a quarter of the episode was dedicated to season 3 of The Traitors UK. Fellow guest Billy Porter told Claudia that he watched the first 3 episodes before he came to the studio.
Clips from week one of the season was also shown.
I wish 10 would give this one more go. It’s the best new format in years.
Completely agree I really think if 10 had aired this in the winter months it would have found an audience. Airing it up against the block was a big mistake. They are so stubborn on airing MasterChef may-July. 10 have always had huge success launching new shows in May. They should have done the same with the Traitors.
I am loving the current US season. This weeks episode took things to another level with the Traitors all turning on each other.
I cannot stand Danielle! She is such a hypocrite and terrible Traitor. First throwing Carolyn’s name around to others without even attempting to make a strike. That was always going to backfire. Then voting for Rob when he didn’t go. Also being very obvious at the challenge last week. She’s done everything that a Traitor shouldn’t do.
I feel bad for Carolyn. She’s now stuck in such an awkward position. Of course she should have waited until they were in the turret to call her out (instead of the round table) but she also can’t just let another Traitor throw her under the bus either.
Rob ultinately started the Traitor in fighting in the beginning and things have since just snowballed. I can’t believe he just keeps massaging to slip through when all of the evidence is there. He needs to go.
I have no idea what’s going to happen next. Danielle and Carolyn threatening to go to war with each other was such a crazy cliffhanger. I’m 100% team Carolyn this season.
UK season 3 must be dropping soon on 10 Play, all of the shows artwork was updated to the current stuff a couple of days ago.
And it says 3 Seasons. Hope it happens!
Here’s hoping they drop it too
I’ll wait until US3 finishes but that will give me a Traitors fix until another Traitors show airs (I think there will be a Canadian season in our spring?)
All of UK season 3 batch dropped on 10 play this morning.
A Traitors Live Experience will open at London’s Covent Garden in July this year. Tickets went on sale last week.
Having watched the AU seasons, I was a big fan of this show. But really, although ten typically do versions of international shows well, having now since watched the uk and US versions, it’s clear that the Aussie one was seriously undercooked.
Not having the castle/ grand manor makes a big difference and I just don’t think Roger came close to the mystery/cheek of the UK/US hosts.
Perhaps is an AU network gives this a go again, they need to consider filming overseas like I’m a celebrity does and making use of one of the international sets. Though I imagine that would be very cost prohibitive so it will probably never see the light of day again.
I agree but I think it’s two things that could easily be fixed.
Surely theres costs savings by filming, for example, back to back with the UK series. You can use the UK crew and perhaps even the UK host (as I’ve suggested previously).
The core traitors fans would love it… and the oldies on 7 or 9 are not going to be offended by a white english lady on their tv.
Channel 7s rusted on oldies would hate that fringe
The Age Green Guide today has an article on season 3 of The Traitors US.
There are now three series filmed back to back at the UK location so a fourth is probably unlikely. Claudia has enough work without adding the Aussie version too.
Agree the Aussie location really let it down but that’s probably an easy fix without moving half way around the world. NZ upgraded for it’s second run and really benefitted from it.