The Royal Family

I wouldn’t be surprised if this is all tentative right up to the event to give some flexibility if he falls ill again.


The less they visit the more likely NZ becomes a republic so long may they stay away…


Does King Charles and his team not realise there are several other states in Australia? Fuck Sydney. Go to Melbourne or something much better cities and much more friendlier people there.

Canberra i csn undersgand , but Sydney. Their ego does not neet another royal visit.

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Given he’s been to at least SA, VIC, WA and QLD, I’d put the blame on the Sydney centric PM’s office, who would’ve planned the tour.

QLD is also closer to Samoa (where the Commonwealth Heads of Government meeting will be held)


Wait no Melbourne?

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Yep. It clearly is about NSW’s inflated ego, not about the King’s health, as otherwise he would’ve stopped in QLD on his way to Samoa.

People sound really friendly where you are. You seem wonderful. :rofl:


the point may have been made in a little bit of an aggressive way, but Daniel is right

Australia is more than just Sydney, other cities exist, and deserve spotlight at that too.


Lol well in my experience when i went to Sydney the people there were rude and not very friendly. So yeah my hatred for Sydney is based on experience.:smile:


In my experience, if you show respect, you will be respected. :wink:


Lovely to see Princess Kate in a very rare public appearance, special guest in the Royal Box at the All England at Wimbledon, following her shock cancer diagnosis.

Also in attendance in the VIP seating is Tom Cruise, Benedict Cumberbatch and Lleyton Hewitt to name a few.


It looks like the visit to Sydney might be as part of the bicentenary commemoration of the commencement of the upper house of the NSW Parliament (which is Australia’s oldest legislature)

  • King Charles and Queen Camilla will visit New South Wales and the ACT in October this year.

  • The royals will also attend the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting in Samoa.


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Very disappointed that there is no Melbourne- very NSW centric


Not really into the Royals but a Sydney - Canberra visit - pretty pathetic. Surely they could throw in one other State even as a token gesture. Anyway, bring on a republic.


Heading to NSW and the ACT but it’s “very NSW centric”. Okay. :thinking:

They’re obviously coming for work reasons and not a public viewing visit.

The people they need to see are clearly located in Sydney and Canberra.

Why would they go anywhere else if the people they are visiting are in Canberra and Sydney?

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Where are you getting that from?

What actual “work” deliverables are for this trip? Newsflash - the King doesn’t actually do anything in the governing of Australia. Everything they do is for public viewing.

The article says they have engagements in Canberra and Sydney. Obviously the people involved in those engagements reside in those cities or have agreed to meet there. It is the Australian capital after all.

They might not have time to visit anywhere else and only time set for those engagements.

The main reason they are going overseas is to Samoa for the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting.