The Project

I seldom watch the show. I dislike the format, the way they present issues and believe there are some minor tweaks that can be made to make it more watchable. Just following the presenter lineups in this thread and by channel surfing over Ten between 6.30-7.30pm and there’s clearly more diversity in just that one hour than can be found in the entire presenter roster on certain other networks.

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This is funny because usually people are critical of the show because they think they are trying too hard to be diverse and hiring people that don’t deserve to be there.

Meshel Laurie might have had a good point about there not have been indigenous comedians on the panel at the time she had been on the show. But from memory, they have featured some since then. I can remember Nakkiah Lui and Steph Tisdell in recent times. Plus Tony Armstrong is a regular guest now and Narelda Jacobs has co-hosted.

You have to remember that the format sometimes does not suit certain people. Some of the best comedians have not come back after one or two shows. So they may not wish to come back or producers might think they didn’t quite work.


Quite right. Where is the diversity at Seven or Nine in news or any other programs?

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So The Project only needs to be better than other networks to escape criticism?

There should be more diversity on other networks, but that doesn’t mean The Project is perfect either. Especially with Narelda Jacobs and Meshel Laurie backing it up.

The on-screen cast is only part of the equation too. Look at some behind the scenes photos and you’ll see why this recent story is happening. It doesn’t reflect a modern Australia and it’s a very common theme in a lot of Australian media.

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Tuesday 19 July-

Julie Bishop is at the desk tonight.

Sarah Harris will be hosting on Thursday & Friday this week.


Thanks for the heads up, ill delete my recording



Louis replied: “Oh, so the fishing’s begun already. Yeah, I see what you’re doing…

“It’s something I’m immensely proud of, as I’d already said, it’s just when you mentioned the beef before, it sounded like you were getting ready to stir some s**t up, that’s all I’m saying.”

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The arrogance is astounding.

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Jessie Stephens at the desk tonight.

Don’t think I’ve heard/seen of her before, she’s quite good though.

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Frustrating that we get the intro after the first commercial break.

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The interview was fine and in good spirit. Once again, a stab at The Project for no reason.


Arrogance on whose part?

I really don’t understand this obsession with either defending or talking bad about The Project that some on this forum have. It’s just a TV show, at the end of the day. I don’t care much for The Project either - I don’t go whining about it on a forum. Instead, I just don’t watch it (shocking, I know).

and Walleed made sure to talk down to her.

It was a debate, which we haven’t had in a while. Many panellists often just back down when he has opposing views but it’s been a while since we’ve had one that went on that long.

Lisa’s interview with American Attorney Gloria Allred aired last night.


I happened to catch the repeat of the show tonight. Enjoyed it including the debate - was a very ‘Friday’ sort of show content wise, not for everyone but appealed to me more than some of the lighter earlier in the week episodes tend to.

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