The NCIS metaverse

Probably because NCIS content is exclusive to Paramount Plus

Hardly exclusive if it’s being broadcast on 10?

Also didn’t stop them from making other P+ original series they teased on broadcast available on 10 play for catch up, even if it was just 1 episode.

As I said, probably looking into it too much but just an observation.

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Seen a lot of promos today


Which is great but nobody watches Ten on Saturdays. They should have given it more than a week’s promotion.

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Just watched the third episode. It’s getting less cringey and slightly better in terms of the acting etc.


Watching it now, still too many “aUsSiE” things (over the top nicknames and slang use that no one in Sydney would be using) for me.

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I’d agree. But better than episode 1 which was a train wreck.

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Oh 100%, episode one was really bad.

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I found this episode unfulfilling. the ending frustrated me and left me wanting an actual resolution


The cases so far have just been a bit weird for me. Like there’s no point to it, like they just write it as they go and then realise “shit we’ve got three minutes left” and they have to find an ending. Whereas with the original (I know its bad to compare) they had the season planned out roughly while writing.

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I was thinking of this the other day, but Australia comparatively is such a small nation compared to the states.

How can there be so many incidents causing death with relation to particularly US navy personnel? They’ll have wiped out the whole lot of them soon enough.

You already have to watch with a fairly creative imagination, I just can’t see how it can be sustained long term.

I am enjoying the show however.


Yeah you can’t think too hard about that…Mt Thomas being a hot bed of crime for a small country town on Blue Heelers etc


And for example how is the police force in Midsomer so good at solving but not preventing the multitudes of murders.

I get it it’s just a show but when it’s almost cartoonish it does get a bit more not-ignorable, although I have just been watching those glory years of NCIS from S1 to 10 so that standard I guess is on my mind.

I’ve been all over country Vic over the past three decades and I’m still yet to cross paths with Mt Thomas, St Davids and Widgeree, nor Chris for a cold one :rofl:


My guess is that the original American series would really be pushing it way past reality for the amount of murders committed there. Probably nowhere near as many actually happening over there either.


Undoubtedly, I think it’s just a bit different watching it in your own backyard and if it was say Australians. Given its US personnel stationed in Australia there could really only be so many, and that many casualties would really start ringing alarm bells :joy:. But I digress, I enjoy the show for what it is.

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There is still a lot of scope for plots outside of murders. The seeds for future plots seemed to have been laid in the early episodes such as espionage and terrorism as well as the Us- Australian relationship.


It will be interesting to see where they go with all of it. Will watch every episode as I have with DC and NOLA, feel a bit like I do with Hawai’i with this one, couldn’t really get into that one too much so have only watched a few episodes here and there (just enough to know what’s roughly going on from a series perspective), really only watching this one because 1) there’s no new episodes of DC and 2) it’s Aussie.

Is this episode 1 again?

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Yes - a FTA preview

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