The Amazing Race Australia

I really hope its just the one leg that is in Australia.

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Could you tell if it was TAR - Australia or could it be an international version? The international versions have come to Australia multiple times - although if they go up north in the past they’ve had to use subtitles because viewers couldn’t understand the locals!

Hopefully just the last leg.

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My guess is that they started in Sydney and finished in Darwin. Hopefully we’ll get to see places like Laos/Cambodia, Japan, India/Bangladesh, Bosnia, maybe somewhere in Africa or the Middle East, possibly one of the Pacific Islands?

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I would expect some very interesting locations - The original Australian series went to some really off the map locations (Like Israel & Cuba - both countries that had never been visited on any version before the Australian version - and in the case of Israel, ever since (excluding their local version)).

Information of some of the locations can be found on some spoiler sites - and I’m not disappointed in some of the locations.

The locations I have heard are South Korea, Vietnam, Mongolia, Kenya, Zimbabwe, - All quite interesting locations (except maybe Vietnam - which was visited on the first season of the original TARAUS & gets a visit seemingly every other season on the US show) but I’m especially interested in the later 3 locations - Mongolia has only been visited by the US show once for TARUS10, Kenya has only been used as a stopover point on TARUS5 to get to Tanzania (essentially not visited), and Zimbabwe has only been visited recently - on TARUS27, TARUS30 & the most recent Israeli season

Also, I have heard some speculation that they did not have the start line in Australia - there had been no leaks of crazed backpackers with cameras crews leaving one of Australia’s international airports (it would be hard to miss) & some international versions start and/or finish outside of the host country, so it’s not something without precedent (One of the Israeli seasons finished in Australia a few years ago).


I mean people running around the street with maps, camera/sound crew and TAR shirts in a hurry really gives it away lol.

However, it could be an international version too. Time will tell.

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I remember when the Israeli version was in Melbourne 3 or 4 years ago. I saw a clue box at Carlton Gardens and waited for the teams to arrive to do the challenge. They also climbed around the Melbourne Star. I always intended to try download it but never got those eps.

But Darwin sounds like a smart place to end… Nobody would expect it and less likely to have spoilers leak.

I would love to see the teams racing around Melbourne! Sometimes on the show you hear how teams were recognised in certain places, which has happened more often recently with the inclusion of the BB/Survivor teams.

I remember many seasons ago how a team dropped their passport and it was found by someone who didn’t recognise the team, but knew they were in the middle of filming TAR. From memory he put something on Twitter asking advice on what he should do, and was told to take the passport to the airport, which he did.

New 15 second teaser ad shown tonight during Australian Survivor.

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Its a really good teaser.


As expected, 10 has to set up a new Twitter account for the show but has inherited the hashtag.


Ten has a good track record of reinventing realities that failed elsewhere with better production values. Hopefully the production values on this are 100 times better than those poorly produced versions on seven.


I think sevens other big problem with the amazing race is the fact it was shown at 8:30/9:00 most nights. 10 are going to give this a 7:30 slot.

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The music seems really off brand on that teaser.

My only sticking point for this show at first glance is the choice of Beau Ryan as host, but we can be glad it’s not another Grant / Julia / Chris / Osher etc hosted format. Will probably still give it a go out of curiosity.

Good promo. Still not sold on TAR as a format for 10, but will give it a go.

So much trash talk about 7’s version of TARA. My memory is that the show had strong critical reception, and won an Emmy.

Indications for 10s take with Beau Ryan as host, a very short post production period, and airing it in the lead up to summer non-ratings makes me think 10 are going cheap and aiming for the bogan demographic.


The first season on Seven was a hit. I’m sure it did screen at 7.30 that season.

I remember the first season screening Monday’s at 8.30pm.