Ten's weekend woes

Outside of live sport, free to air TV on Saturday night, Friday night and to some extent, even Thursday night will never be as big as it was in Australia 20-25 years ago for reasons that don’t need explaining…

I would go something like this…

6:00 All Star Family Fued/Are You Smarter then a Fifth Grader?/Surprise Surprise (all around 14 episodes each, can have split seasons also).

7:00 Red Faces*/Who Dares Wins/Candid Camera

7:30 Graham Norton/Saturday Magda (or Rove or Tommy or whoever they can get)

8:30 SVU double (new & repeat)/NCIS LA double (new & repeat)

Fun family formats until 8:30 (heavily funded by sponsors), then US Drama from 8:30, which will hopefully get some time shifted viewing if not live.

*Could be a rip off with younger hosts. Stretch the format to 30mins by

  • having the host introduce and interview the two guest judges for a few mins each,
  • having a segment pre-recorded making the host do something extreme to give them a ‘red face,’
  • having another segment pre-recorded with the host on the street trying to get people to do something to make them get a ‘red face.’

I got a bit carried away. :stuck_out_tongue:

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That’s the attitude the networks have and that is why ten only get a 5% share on a Saturday night. Rolling over isn’t going to fix the problem. I know Hey Hey worked. Didn’t Young Talent Time once air on Saturday nights as well?

In other news: It is quite embarrassing when an 8:30/9:00 show on your main channel is sponsored by TenPlay. NCIS rpts are obviously not enticing the advertisers so something needs to change here ASAP.

I like the ideas. Obviously you couldn’t call Red Faces Red Face. But yeah I like the idea. The other thing is if you are producing Australian content it needs to be an hour in length to justify the costs. Could could potential swap it around and have a regular or best of family feud at 6:00. 6:30 Red Faces 7:30 Game Shows 8:30 Graham Norton/Saturday Magda etc.

Bring back Gladiators.

Produce an Australian version of Robot Wars. That also had a decent run on Saturdays (UK version).

Finish up with a premiere movie.

That should do 15%:slight_smile:

I’m pretty sure that Young Talent Time did used to air on Saturday, even before Hey Hey It’s Saturday moved from the morning children’s timeslot to primetime.

Seven tried that on Sunday nights back in 2008. Guess what? It quickly tanked in the ratings once Nine ran some strong competition against it in Domestic Blitz (from what I remember).

Realistically, the only locally produced programing that Ten (or any network for that matter) would even think about running on Saturday nights are programs like All Star Family Feud that can be recorded in advance. In this day and age, the blockbuster programs will always be reserved for Sunday-Wednesday.

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Which is understandable. All Star Family Feud is still a big step up from Bondi Vet and repeated movies. They would still need something else to go with All Star Family Feud. Whether that is something like The Project, Graham Norton or, as someone suggested, Law and Order SVU

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Hey Hey and Candid Camera? Oh boy. Not wanting to be dismissive of these ideas but it is 2016 and tastes and trends have evolved.

We have to be realistic. Yes Ten needs to do something about Friday 8.30-10.30 and something about Saturday - but they are not going to invest heavily in quality original programming for Saturdays. The viewership or interest from advertisers is not there - the economics don’t make sense.

You may get a Family Feud or Bondi Vet type thing, but to think ANY net is going to launch a large scale production like Gladiators or Hey Hey into Saturdays is being unrealistic.

I think theme or block programming that requires minimal marketing and promo is the best solution - and reduced commercial loads to entice viewers

NCIS block 730, 830, 930
SVU block 730, 830, 930
Movies 7 and 8.30

Something like that,.

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I am not 100% sure but I think Nine are producing both of these shows, or shows very similar. Nine have Australian Ninja Warrior and Battlebots or whatever it is called (not sure if it is the UK version). Both are ideas, not 100% bought on Gladiators, but Robot Wars is something interesting and different (but could go after that male market that are watching sports).

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I think that is a good idea. They wouldn’t be making much, if any, money of Saturday anyway. So less ads could be a good way to get some viewers back. I just think Movies aren’t the way to go. We have seen them fair not so well so far.

US cable networks and experimenting with reduced ad loads - the ratings are up in a big way - and they can charge more for the ads as there are only 3 in a commercial break and advertisers are paying more for that privilege.

Revenue is up and ratings are up. It’s win win

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Looking back at the ratings for Ten on Saturday, this discussion is nothing new at all. In general, Ten’s best results have come on nights with 2 movies that have rated well.

To me, a solution would be to get a better movie deal, and stop repeating the same movies over and over.

If you look at what Seven shows in Sydney and Brisbane on AFL nights you can see a good selection of popular movies (they all get repeated at approx the same time each year) and these rate well.

If new movies are hard to come by, Ten could try getting some iconic movies (e.g. Independence Day) in HD, maybe anamorphic aspect ratio, even limited adverts and make it a “classic movie” night.

Some movies worked well on a Saturday night. Others haven’t. Ten just need to find more of a better mix of films to air.

Also, the earlier 6-7.30pm slots have been rated pathetically low lately. Which is a shame, as the shows aired are Australian made new content (Bondi Vet; Travels with the Bondi Vet; Far Flung with Gary Mehigan to name a few). Lifestyle shows are dead in primetime (bar Living Room and Better Homes)? The other lifestyle shows are on during the daytime.

Could Ten return “Before the Game”? Air it at a consistent time in Melb, Ade and Per (and live on One in Syd and Bris)?I thought it rated reasonably well. That’s the best could do in terms of variety…

Gone are the days of Rove-type variety shows.

Surely some sponsored formats could work? I know it didn’t work that well at the time, but wasn’t It’s a Knockout really cheap to make due to the McDonalds tie in?

Yeah, It’s A Knockout was cheap to make because it was sponsored by McDonalds and produced in Malaysia if my memory serves me correctly.

Although I think it’s fair to say that Ten (or any network) should NOT revive an old format that may have worked in the past. The experience with the revivals of Gladiators, Hey Hey, It’s A Knockout and Young Talent Time (probably other shows too) clearly proves that even though those formats worked well in the “simpler times” of the '80s and '90s, it isn’t the type of programing that caters to the seemingly ever increasingly sophisticated tastes of Australian TV viewers in the 2nd half of the 2nd decade of the 21st century.

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Nine, and Seven in the non-AFL states, are also not doing much on Saturday night. It’s just that their drivel isn’t as bad as Ten’s.


Ten currently has only movie deal with 20th Century Fox. Seven has deals with Disney and Universal, while Nine has deals with MGM, Sony and Paramount. The Warner Bros deal is on the open market IIRC, so I think Ten should go for it.

Going back to the 2008 Gladiators ratings. I think they were quite good even back then with limited channels.

If Gladiators was revived now and rated 800k, it would be a success and renewed for a 2nd season.

I’m not sure if it was the ratings that led to the shows cancellation. I think the cost involved were very high.

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Whilst I agree, Ch 10’s ratings on Friday & Saturday particularly are awful, in all fairness…

The other networks don’t “smash it” either.

Seven are really the only ones who can claim that on weekends, which is well documented.

Seven’s strategy of prime-time movies in Sydney & Brisbane (less so Perth) has also been very successful, airing for a long time (share) with Ch 9 not having Saturday NRL rights.

But yes, when Ten had the AFL, their Saturdays were much stronger.