10 Play

Formula 1: Australia (Friday) as well is live streamed through ONE

Is that Tenplay Summer of Aussie Drama ad new? First time I’ve seen it.

They’ve been running it on Ten all summer. It started before ratings season ended.

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There goes WIN’s audience as long as it has the blue mappy watermark!



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It appears Ten have added Neighbours to the shows available to stream on tenplay, it’s now showing up in the streaming list at tenplay.com.au/live and you can see in the screenshot below on the bottom LHS that you can ‘watch live’.

If so I believe that would be the first Channel Eleven show which is available on there, from what I can tell nothing has been mentioned about this across any of their social media channels.

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I get the feeling they are rolling out these changes that don’t cost anything / much to happen, but given how the technology is not 100% there yet (we’ve all seen the complaints on this forum) I don’t think they want to promote it.

This is all probably in prep for a big push once tendaily comes along.

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Tenplay is conducting a survey.


What do i need to download stop viewing ads on tenplay? Im sick of the ads getting stuck and then having to refresh only to have to watch another lot of ads.

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I think they are getting around Ad Block Plus, as there is still ads during programs when ADB is installed.

I had this problem as well. I downloaded Adguard and now have no ads on Tenplay.

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Thanks. I dont mind the ads if i dont have to refresh all the time.

But Adblock prevents most ads from appearing so less chance of crashes. My laptop with Adblock works great but when I watch on my phone, I have the ssme problems you have.

I have ad block but it isn’t working.

The networks are getting smarter.

Pity they can’t use those brains to work out the glitches.

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I was invited to take part in a tenplay survey the other day. I mainly did it hoping there would be a spot to write something about the glitches, there wasn’t. :unamused:

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There were some good questions in there about HD streaming etc, hopefully that becomes an option in the near future.

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The Tenplay live stream now has commercials for the duration of ad breaks rather than the same commercials on high rotation in between the Tenplay graphic with the annoying music.


FWIU, there were issues with the servers for the last day and a bit. I get the impression that the ten play ad ‘breakways’ will continue, because they worked to resolve the issues asap.