Ten News First Content and Appearance

Heaven help us on Monday when Queenslanders are expected to receive no live coverage if not for the entire bulletin, then at least a significant chunk of it.


Well technically if 10 do it right, Qld could get one hour live in their own state. They’d only get the first half hour pre recorded. But who knows with those idiots at 10.


Indeed, it’s also going to be rather interesting to see how 10 News First handles their coverage of any major breaking news stories which might happen in South East Queensland during the next six months.

Dare I ask the question, how would 10 News First do live coverage of something like the 2016 Dreamworld tragedy (which those with long news memories will recall, happened during the time of year NSW & QLD are on separate timezones) if they needed to under this new format?


That’s the biggest over reaction I’ve ever read on this site. Kudos.

Based on the lambasting in the last few posts, I’ll let you all just wait for Monday’s QLD bulletin to see what they’re going to do.


Thought you’d say that.

When the cops sweep through my local venue in early November and ask why I’m not adhering to NSW COVID rules by remaining seated, do you think the excuse “I heard I’m now permitted to stand during a report on restrictions being lifted on Ten News” is going to wash?


If you’re dumb enough to use that as an excuse, you deserve the fine.

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You don’t have to encourage people not to watch it. They aren’t anyway. Spend five minutes on some local area Facebook groups. All people care about is what is happening in their backyard. Sorry it isn’t up to your standards but viewers seem to like it on every other channel.

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10 News Perth 5pm - 6pm (63,400) outrated Nine News Perth 6pm - 7pm (61,600) for last week.


What’s the point of Ten’s news service if viewers can’t rely on the veracity of the information they disseminate?

If they broadcast a report in NSW with wording that includes “our state” and state government policy surrounding COVID rules, nobody should trust the information being provided by Ten because it might apply to another state the casual viewer is supposed to know Ten’s 5pm bulletin is randomly being shown in. It’s shoddy. That Queensland targeted report should never have aired in NSW. Ten should pull the plug on state based bulletins now if every report they now broadcast needs viewers to assume there are caveats attached.


Probably can’t post the exact number here until Monday due to Media Spy’s agreement with OzTam, but going by TV Tonight the 5pm portion of 10 News First rated incredibly dire in Sydney last night - actually a few thousand less in Sydney than Brisbane! :open_mouth:

Of course, I wholeheartedly agree with this point (and the others you’ve made):


The bulletin was so Qld centric no wonder no one wanted to watch. Fancy having live crosses to Brisbane lions games during a local bulletin in Sydney. It’s a disaster.


Because which Sydney teams were in the finals?

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Then don’t cover it. Plenty of other Sydney news that could be covered. The bulletin is top Brisbane centric. Much more than it ever was prior to this new shit system.

What an absolute load of crap, given that you are referring to one reference in one story in one bulletin. If it was a regular thing, sure… but this wasn’t that and your complete overreaction is completely uncalled for.

Lol! There were 4 or 5 Brisbane stories in 90 minutes.


This kind of thing happened when stories from interstate aired before they amalgamated their newsrooms… we’ve also seen this kind of thing happen in national bulletins on all 4 stations…

Mistakes were made in bulletins before the changes happened, it’s not fair to expect they won’t happen after, or even as a result of people getting used to the changes.

Adding to @lexington’s point, COVID information changes so rapidly that a single individual basing their entire knowledge of the rules that apply to them off that one news story is nonsensical. I’d also have a hard time believing that someone would get fined if they did say they misunderstood a news service.

I think you’re all making a mountain out of an anthill, and getting fired up simply because others disagree.

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All I could do was chuckle.


She has only just noticed now…?
Clearly she hasn’t been watching for awhile.


First day of daylight saving bulletins. Not as pre recorded as you might think.


Let me guess,
5-6PM live in Sydney, 6pm prerecorded
Brisbane live entirely?