Ten News First Content and Appearance

Totally agree.


Stations should be farewelling talent on air and handing the reigns over to new folks.

But 10 should have put the kabosh on talking about “last locally produced bulletins” and all the farewell to the crew and goodbye thanks for your support messages. Basically telling people curtains down that’s the end.

Not smart.

A sure way to get less people to watch now on Monday.

Should’ve been a live cross to the new presenters at the end of the bulletin.

Kinda introduces them etc.

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Can you really blame the individual stations (TVQ, ADS and NEW in particular) for wanting to emphasise the fact it was the final locally produced bulletin when there are many people there - both in front of the camera and behind the scenes - about to lose their jobs?

I might live in Sydney, but think it’s nothing short of a tragedy that there’s now a major TV network in metropolitan areas of Australia which aren’t producing live and locally produced bulletins for the market, in the market.

Perhaps Brisbane will still be kept busy enough with the kids shows, but Ten in Adelaide & Perth are pretty much going to be reduced to news bureaus/offices. Pathetic!


No I can’t blame them at all. Absolutely not.

But In the interest of the continued success of 10 News Firsy they should have held off. As hard as that may have been. They should have crossed live to Sandra etc and introduced her.

When I was let go from my job of 8 years I was never afforded the opportunity to say goodbye to my team. My colleagues. It’s the way things go.

Caps / Content solely from yesterday have been moved to the Ten News Centralisation thread for archiving purposes.

Read the Ten News Centralisation thread and all your questions will be answered.

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Ultimately it’s very sad these reporters and staff have paid the price for management incompetence over a decade or longer now.

The days of putting out 1 bulletin a day and being able to make money out of it went out the door a long, long time ago. It’s simply not a sustainable business model. It’s gone the way of the newspaper. You couldn’t get away with putting out a newspaper now and having no website. You can have flagship bulletins, sure but you can’t put up a bulletin and say we’re done. You need an online presence, build stories across the day through different bulletins and amortise costs that way while building a brand. Ten might have posted news content on social media and had those Facebook Watch bulletins but it was never a harmonised approach. And it’s bloody difficult to make money on social unless you are linking back to your own website and making ad revenue that way.

If viewers don’t find your news at 5pm, you’ve lost them for that day. Whereas Nine or Seven have several hours of content on air (bulletins and breakfast shows) plus big online presences. Is it cheap? No, of course it’s not. Might they have to cut newsroom jobs too? Perhaps. Will it help them survive longterm? Absolutely.


2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Ten News Centralisation 2020

Ten News First: Quantity over Quality

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They don’t really have the time.

Nine and Seven offer 6-7 hours of news programming a day excluding Today Extra/The Morning Show

10 offers 1.5 hours excluding Studio 10…


But for Seven and Nine it’s the same stories repeated throughout the day, at 11am then 4pm then in another repeat of headlines at 4.30 then join us at 6pm for the same stories again plus that one story we’ve promoted all day and will hold back (it’s so important) until 6:55pm. :wink:


And sometimes at 10:30, or 11:00, or, well you get the idea…

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Caught the tail end of a news promo in Adelaide. Final words were “we have the time to tell it. Adelaide’s 10 News First” with a footage collage of presenters and reporters, ending with the Adelaide title card. I guess nobody told the ad programmers…

I’m guessing it was voiced by Jennifer Keyte.

Nope. A male V/O.

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National bulletin:

Perth bulletin:


Is Perth getting a seperate bulletin or just Sydney/Brisbane’s with local stories added. Would be compensation for not having a local presenter part of the lineup.

They are getting a dedicated bulletin.

I’m still a bit confused how the SYD/BNE bulletin will work in daylight savings time. Wondering if Sandra will read the bulletin for 2 and half hours…