Ten Network - Programs and Schedules

Yep sorry I was looking at when it launched. Your right 2 weeks is a bit far behind. No real reason to air it 2 weeks after. If they are going to fast track it might as well do it properly.

Well you must be angry at ten for that. No way it should go on Tuesdays :stuck_out_tongue:

I thought Life in Pieces was coming back according to someones Foxtel guide?

I am sure there is a real reason, because we just don’t know if CBS will have any breaks in between weeks for the show. Viewers here in Australia like to see shows week in week out, not all over the place. As they get annoyed when the show goes on hiatus in the US. Fast tracking isn’t always ideal.


yes but then it got dropped. It was the online Foxtel guide I was referring to

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Life in Pieces are more Likely to pop up on Eleven while Scorpion airs New Eps on One.

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They should pair it with new Fresh off The Boat.

Both have plenty of episodes.

17 for Life in Pieces plus new season starting so could keep on going.
22 episodes for Fresh off The Boat.

Rather than a repeated episode of How I Met Your Mother. Unless that rates better?

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They could always air it at 8:30 after Fresh Off the Boat.

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I wouldn’t be so sure. They have Supernatural coming in October on Eleven.

Does that air 5 nights a week?

Don’t they have a comedy block on Thursdays or Tuesdays, or used to, with New Girl etc?

no it doesn’t air 5 nights a week.

They do have a comedy block on Thursdays with New Girl at 8, Graham Norton at 8.30 and Jane the Virgin at 9.30

If I also remember correctly Mondays were Elevens worst night with Supernatural at 8:30 so could be potentially moved back to 9:30.

Then what with American Horror Story. As American Horror Story airs at 9.30 Mondays

That also hasnt done well. Push that back also.

Stop with the push backs, no need for it. They would probably end up with no new content in prime time, if they follow your strategy. Which isn’t wise.

According to TV Tonight, Scorpion and Hawaii Five-O will air on Saturdays.

Or end up with all duds in prime time if they follow yours. Which is not wise. Madam Secretary repeats which you were so fond of… Spelling Bee? Life in Pieces?

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Good to see Ten are trying something new on Saturdays with Macgyver, Scorpion and Hawaii five 0 all set to run on Saturdays from October 8.

Source: TvTonight.


But Hawaii Five-0? It was getting under 200k on a wednesday with a decent lead in. How do they expect it to fair on a Saturday. Macgyver is good. Scorpion is good. But SVU should be there or NCIS LA


Finally promoting something that is airing on a Saturday. Im glad they have made a change and a go of it.