Ten Network 2020

They have a dominant 6-7pm, sports, and shows like 60 Minutes that go year round. So went their tentpoles end they don’t fall as far

Ten’s problem is it keeps falling in a heap with sub 10% shares. Any gains made early week are completely undone and accounts for their revenue discrepancies compared to the other networks.

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The problem for 10 is, people really only watch their other programming in bigger numbers to make it look respectable when their primetime schedule is doing okay, which makes it hard to justify changing it up when people are clearly enjoying it.

Nine and Seven can be doing absolute shithouse in primetime with an another flop on their hands, but people will still tune into their breakfast shows, various news bulletins, game shows, dramas etc and they still get the advertisers, and therefore bigger share of ad revenue and profit at the end of the day.


Without any doubt 10 is faring far better than a few years ago but I see one particular problem (which is quite relevant to other networks too): Audiences only flock to 10 if they have shows which have a rusted-on fanbase and are popular amongst the mainstream (Survivor, Masterchef, Bachelor franchise, Masked Singer, I’m a Celebrity, HYBPA, Gogglebox, The Living Room), but any other shows are either extremely reliant on lead-ins/outs (Ambulance) or they just don’t perform well (Jamie Oliver shows/fillers). You just have to see how Nine collapses into a heap when shows like MAFS, Lego Masters, The Voice, Ninja Warrior, The Block finishes and how Seven collapses into a heap every year once they let shows like X Factor and Dancing with the Stars go and in effect depleting their entire Q3/Q4 tentpoles, and 10 isn’t immune from this turn-off once their ‘big’ shows finish and they air shows which would be best classified as fillers.

This, plus the fact that they don’t have a breakfast show, no investigative news show, a struggling morning show, no mainstream sports (other than F1, Supercars, Melbourne Cup) and not to mention their pathetic Saturdays is probably detrimental to their overall brand which is why 10 isn’t the default network like Seven/Nine are to many viewers but I’d like to say that will come with time (once primetime is fixed).


Speaking of which, 10 hasn’t had an investigative news show since Inside Edition of the early 1990s. But for the network to have such a show back, it needs to start recruiting reporters and producers.

I’d watch it more if it was. Currently, using the mobile app in Australia doesn’t allow you to use it with Chromecast, which is similar to how the Crackle app fails when you try to cast it.

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Why not put cameras in the Kyle & Jackie O studio, when they play music - we see the video clips and put it on Peach?

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That show would probably be rated M on television, I think.


Do you think Southern Cross would allow that on a competitor?

KISS FM is a ARN station not Southern across

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thankyou Charles Boyle

The idea of having breakfast radio on TV was tried by Southern Cross Ten in a couple of markets back in 2009, didn’t catch on. And need I remind you about the infamous 2011 ratings bomb that was Kyle & Jackie O’s Night With The Stars?!

While there’s the odd exception to this rule (Amanda Keller, perhaps Hamish & Andy), most FM radio personalities only really work on Australian TV if they’re in a guest/panellist-type role. Same deal with TV personalities trying to make themselves work on FM breakfast radio…yes I’m referring to you, Grant Denyer!

LOL probably. How Kyle & Jackie O get away with some of the things they do on breakfast radio (even if they’ve probably toned down their act a bit since their 2DayFM days) is beyond me!

Perhaps this thread can be used to discuss actual Network Ten in 2020 programs.


Like this one?

Disappointed not to hear from 10 today about whether they will air the already completed episodes of 5 bedrooms or when it may go back into production.


You would think it will remain on hold until they film the remainder of the season or otherwise decide to abandon/hold off the remainder for 2021.

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If Neighbours can resume filming, albeit with some changes to the storyline and procedures - I don’t see why they couldn’t start again in the coming months? Even if it meant it was slightly delayed.

Well they’ve had three in the last decade - 6(30) pm with George Negus, The Truth Is with Hamish MacDonald and Revealed with Hugh Riminton, none of which have stuck.

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Five Bedrooms is not the only show which has halted production. Ten have also halted Breathless (With Intent), The Bureau of Magical Things and more at 10 and other networks.

It’s easy to say Neighbours did it, so why can’t the others. Be careful what you wish for. Neighbours have said that scenes have been rewritten, hugs and kisses have been left out, extras have been removed and there is a lot of socisl distancing.

Adopting these measures would be a lot harder for a show like Five Bedrooms which is all about relationships. It just wouldn’t be the same show with these types of changes.