Ten Network 2020

Love what she said about Saturday Nights…let’s just close up shop. They haven’t even tried or invested in it.

They have but their investment last year with Rove didn’t work out and they can’t just keep throwing money at Saturday nights when there’s a limited market there as it is.

And Saturday nights have been an issue for Ten since the '90s apart from the few years they had AFL, and even then that was only in certain states. I guess sometimes they just have to pick their battles and there are bigger fish to fry than Saturday nights.


Not sure what else they could do except to get some decent movie output deals (with some big franchises, series and first-run movies) and have two movies on Saturday every week (1 family + 1 adult). Program both with limited commercials (they already rate low on Saturdays and probably have very little advertisers willing to invest on that night so they might as well cut their losses), and maybe have a presenter to top and tail the night. Really, that’s all they can do. Maybe someday their audience for Saturday nights might improve slightly.

All I know is that Ambulance encores, 999, Bondi Rescue and Jamie Oliver is not going to cut it, neither will long-duration first-run programs like that diabolical Rove show last year.


Agreed. While Ten’s Saturday night lineup isn’t great, it has to be said that what Seven & Nine are running in competition isn’t really anything to write home about unless there’s Sport (or every so often, Election Night) coverage on.

Go back to what worked then:
6.30 Goosebumps
7.30 Xena
8.30 Hercules
9.30 No idea - it was past my bedtime


I think they used to run murder and mystery telemovies like Columbo and Murder She Wrote. It was probably figured the younger demographic that Ten usually chases are out on Saturday nights so they offered something to give the boomers something to watch on Saturdays other than The Bill on ABC :stuck_out_tongue:

God, that line up brings back memories. About 1996.

I would’ve been in that demographic at that time. Is it sad that I remember watching Inspector Wexford and Unsolved Mysteries on Ten around that time?

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If they could get The Simpson’s back id just run them back to back 6.30 til 9.30


Inb4 Sifon


The Bill, a great blast from the past! I’ll never forget that ep from around 15 years ago when a van crashed into the reception and exploded, killing a much loved character. Also remember watching its final season, I think it was 2009 (over a decade ago now).

I remembered that episode, in which that explosion claimed the lives of 3 regular characters.

It was 2010 when the show aired its final episode, which aired in August in the UK & October in Australia.

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IIRC WWF Superstars airing in that Saturday 9:30pm slot for a while.

There’s a idea for Saturday nights in 2020. Local live wrestling promotion?


seriously reconsidering my stance of “any idea’s a good idea”.

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What if it was mud or jelly wresting?

A pity legendary Nine Network wrestling commentators Jack Lord and Ted Whitten are no longer with us, but fellow commentator Mike Cleary is.

Ten should reach out to Sydneys biggest Wrestling Promotion PWA.

I filmed for them for 4 years and they are growing bigger & bigger each month.

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It’s actually a good idea to outline the proposed plans for for the revised schedule to advertisers.


Especially when they are having such a good run at the moment… advertisers will be buoyed by the current performance rather than the end of the year when ten is usually in strife

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