Ten HD

Love the logo! Hopefully the lack of the silver ring moves over to Ten as well, looks very ABC (US) in my opinion!! :clap:

You had to go and spoil it, didn’t you? :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


Maybe that is why Ten has not done a refresh this year yet?

How did I spoil it? :wink:

if anything the current TEN logo looks more like it (minus the ring)

We want innovation not imitation.

The entire concept of Ten even having a circular logo is hardly original…

“Imitation is a sincire form of flattery” :wink: ha

The HD part of ABC’s was ghastly

Does Southern Cross cover a much larger area than WIN ?, as WIN seems to look like it is going to launch HD much sooner. (coming soon image on the tv)

“The sincerest” but I don’t know why we’d want to be flattering an American network. :worried:

Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower. :wink:

Has Ten HD appeared on anyone’s TV yet, as I can’t seem to get it when even though it is MPEG-4

Nothing permanent will show until 3pm 2 March

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I bet you’re hyperventilating with the excrement - err I mean the excitement - of it all! :stuck_out_tongue:


There is a loop on channel 13. Looks GREAT!

I scanned my TV and its come up fine…

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The loop also animates and has music.

If you ask me, that slide almost looks graphically like a modern take of something from Ten’s On-Air Presentation package from 15 years ago. I like it though! :slightly_smiling:

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As well as Brisbane, it has also started on the relays to the north and south.

I suppose the posting on extra channels will have to be updated again :joy:

One is still in HD at the moment. I think.

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Yes. The main difference being the Northern New South Wales License Area, where the Nine Affiliate (NBN) is owned by Nine, but the Ten Affiliate (SC Ten) is owned by SCA.

The other difference are:
Areas where SCA own stations but WIN don’t:
Darwin (Seven & Ten)
Central & Remote Australia (Seven & Ten)
Spencer Gulf & Broken Hill (Seven, Nine & Ten)

Areas where WIN own stations but SCA don’t:
Remote WA (Nine & Ten)
Mt Gambier & Riverland SA (Nine, Seven & Ten)
Griffith (Nine, Seven & Ten)
Mildura (Nine & Ten)

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