Ten HD

Are movies on Ten HD in HD ?

Independence Day was.
Ice Age was not.

Will be able to see this HD channel in less than a month. WIN HD here in regional Qld seems superb .

you’ll be disappointed - stuff all is actually shown in HD.


Yeah I thought so . Why did they bother with an HD channel if they aren’t going to show HD on as much content. It isn’t the mid 2000’s anymore.Is Ten really that short of money ?

People who buy full HD tv’s these days in big sizes and who just watch free to air tv …they sell HD tv’s in Australia yet the main channels don’t all broadcast in HD … seems really weird.

I hold out hope that ABC HD will be better than Ten HD.

You could say the same thing about Nine/WIN HD especially in Queensland where nothing coming out of Brisbane is in HD - why did they bother starting a HD service when they don’t have a HD news studio, broadcast local sport in SD and half the movies shown are SD (some are even in 4:3 aspect!!)? I would assume it is to offer viewers HD content when they can and upgrade their facilities as circumstances permit. Same goes for Ten.


Isn’t the QRL in HD? Has been every time I’ve watched it.

29 May


That’s a shame :cry: It was HD towards the beginning of the season.

Can we assume that after July 1, WINHD will have native HD content or will it use the same upscaled stuff from TENHD?


At least sport is full HD. I thought I read on here that Ten were slowly transitioning into HD

Ten HD is a joke. How they don’t have US content in HD that ha been produced in HD for 8 years now is beyond me.

No one has been able to explain why Ten HD is 4 months in and still can’t air US content in HD.



Apart from WIN produced programming, it’ll be the same as what TENHD has.

I agree.

Although to be honest, the fact that Seven is doing a two tier system for HD broadcasting (just so everyone can watch AFL coverage in HD…and only when they’re able to broadcast games in HD) probably annoys me far more than Ten currently only broadcasting maybe about 30% of it’s content in HD. Pick either Seven or 7mate as the HD channel in all markets and be done with it already!

From the perspective of this viewer, I definitely think that Nine has the best HD channel by far although I wish they would upgrade the news studio in markets like Queensland (and hire HD-capable OB facilities for local sport, where available) ASAP. I can understand TV Cynic’s frustration!


Maybe it’s just tonight because I don’t watch The Project all the time, but it’s not HD.

I flicked over for a bit and if you were to ask me, the studio camera footage on The Project certainly looks clearer than SD but it’s not quite perfect 1080i to my eyes:

<img src="/uploads/default/original/2X/e/e0402a891dd490431336ff715b5d6a3e92f7ea0f.jpg" width=“512” height=“288”

If I was to take a guess, either the studio cameras are only 720p or they’re 1080i(p?) cameras which are not quite focused properly?


The Melbourne HD is never as crisp as the Sydney studios. Also you may have been watching a pre recorded interview which is always played back in upconverted for some bizarre primitive reason.

I wish ten would just sort their HD shit out. It’s very frustrating


The only way to get HD guaranteed these days is to stream .
