Tech Talk

They decided to re-use the old case white because it has bays for the four hard drives for storage and backup. Also got no extra lights inside except the watercooler that was required.


Hoping I could get some feedback/opinions on here about laptops. In terms of a machine for editing video and photos with a budget of under $3000, what would you recommend? I’m leaning towards the MacBook Air M3 24GB 1TB at the moment as Apple is the industry standard for video.

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Depending on how much editing and whether you are editing in 4k 1tb of disk space would limit how much you can edit. Upgrading it would be quite expensive however. If I had the money I would probably buy a Framework laptop advantage( being you can upgrade the processor and RAM later on and even replace a USB port if you need to as its fully moduler. If you are more familiar with Final Cut Pro the you would need to go with the Apple. However no problem using Adobe Premiere or Davinci Reaolve

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I’m a final cut guy so that limits me to apple. I have one of the last intel macbook pro models i brought second hand and it works great for final cut. 16gb of Ram and a 1 TB HDD really make it easy, but i suspect that i’ll need to upgrade soon as apple will drop intel support at some point.

my biggest frustration with macs at the moment is that they only ship with 8GB of ram. if your going to video edit, i’d double that but it adds $300 to the price

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In general I have noticed that Mac’s generally are better at handling RAM then Windows. I have a M2 MacBook air with only 8gb of RAM previously I had a Dell XPS 15 with 16gb RAM which I upgraded to 32gb after I had it about a year. With the M2 I have had for over a year and never had issues with memory and I am a coder and regularly run Docker containers and other VM’s etc. I even run some LLMs as well. To save on disk space costs what I did is I got a Samsung T7 portable SSD which does the job well but it chews up the battery on the M2 quite quickly. But much cheaper than what Apple charge. I’d go with more RAM as that is something you can’t upgrade down the track with the newer Macs.

Telstra today announced the cost of its post-paid mobile plans would go up in August 27, by between $2 and $4 per month. Its pre-paid mobile and broadband plans would increase on October 22.

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Here’s how the scam works: hackers send out text messages that look like they’re from Apple. These messages urgently request that you click on a link for an important iCloud update or verification. Symantec’s research shows these links lead to cleverly designed fake websites that ask for your Apple ID and password. To make the site seem legitimate, the attackers have even included a CAPTCHA.

Boost as well.
They’re discontinuing the $230/160GB plan in favour of the $300 plan. Pretty annoyed about this.
Equivalent to a $6p/m hike and I have no use for all this data.

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as they run on Vodafone there 3G network is already gone

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Farewell to the 3G network! The leap from GSM to UMTS was a big one - especially when HSDPA was implemented around the same time the iPhone was launched.

Be interesting to see who is going to shell out $6k minimum for the new Apple Vision Pro

Goes on sale in Australia this Friday


Telstra discloses thousands of unlisted phone numbers

The Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) has found Telstra Limited (Telstra) breached conditions of its carrier licence on more than 163,000 occasions after the details of over 140,000 telco customers who had requested unlisted numbers were made available to the public.

An ACMA investigation found Telstra published 24,005 unlisted numbers, sometimes referred to as ‘silent numbers’, with corresponding customer names and addresses in the White Pages.

Telstra also included 139,402 unlisted numbers with customer details in its directory assistance database, which is used by Telstra operators when answering calls from customers for services such as Call Connect and Directory Assistance.

Most of the incidents occurred between 2021 and 2022. Some customers had their unlisted numbers and details included in both the White Pages and the directory assistance database.

ACMA member and consumer lead Samantha Yorke said when someone requests an unlisted or silent number it can be for any number of reasons, including concerns for their privacy or safety.

“While we are not aware of any harm to people as a result of these breaches, Telstra failing to safeguard customer information, putting people’s privacy and safety at risk, is a serious matter,” Ms Yorke said.

“Telstra is entrusted with personal details of millions of Australians and those people have the right to expect that Telstra has robust systems and processes in place to ensure their information is being protected.”

Telstra reported the incidents to the ACMA after it discovered system issues and process failures had resulted in the release of the unlisted numbers.

In response to the breaches, the ACMA has given Telstra a remedial direction requiring it to take actions to support compliance with obligations not to disclose or use information related to unlisted numbers.

Telstra has been directed to reconcile its customer data with its White Pages and directory assistance database listings every 6 months, implement a training program for staff, and have its systems and compliance procedures independently audited.

The remedial direction will remain in force until Telstra implements recommendations identified by the audit to ensure the effectiveness of its systems, processes and practices.

If Telstra breaches the direction the ACMA may commence civil penalty proceedings in the Federal Court where Telstra could face pecuniary penalties of up to $10 million per contravention.


I’ve had speed limit signs on iPhone GMaps for a couple of years now. In 80+k zones.

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AT&T said the compromised data includes the telephone numbers of “nearly all” of its cellular customers and the customers of wireless providers that use its network between May 1, 2022 and October 31, 2022. The stolen logs also contain a record of every number AT&T customers called or texted – including customers of other wireless networks – the number of times they interacted and the call duration.


The company had not previously disclosed how many Australians were affected, and has not contacted people individually.

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I wonder if all these issues are linked? Do they use Microsoft servers?

At my work my computer seems to be slower than usual too, as I use Microsoft OneDrive to retrieve and save files.

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This is quite frustrating that people don’t or won’t know as I know that this company had an agreement and bundled their software with one of the leading practice management software applications used by GP’s and allied health professionals everywhere and so people might not think they had anything to do with MediSecure but quite possibly may have inadvertently depending on what was linked with those databases and the applications. It also raises questions about the other escript providers between the medical practices and pharmacies.

Yep, all linked I reckon and a lot more others affected everywhere it seems. Going to possibly be a rough 24 hours for many techs across the world.

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