Survivor (US)

Last night’s Tribal was crazy! I actually had to watch it a second time to really appreciate how good the gameplay was. At first I was really confused about all the advantages, extra votes etc going around but that took some really good gameplay for it to go the way that it did (from every angle). It really has made the game a heap more complex and Xander pulled off a pretty bold move navigating around everything with the fake Idol and then not using the Idol on Evvie. I am definitely on the Xander/Tiffany/Evvie side of things right now. There are too many useless players latching onto that larger vote block last night… I hope some of them go next.


This season is crazy.

It is.

These tribals are a bit much for me. Not loving it.

Also not loving Shan. What a phoney.

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With all these unnecessary changes to the format (way too many twists/advantages), no wonder ratings are down to below 6 million viewers and for the first time ever the show is also averaging below a 1 in the all important 18-49 demo.

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That doesn’t surprise me.

Also doesn’t help that there is not one likeable person on this season apart from Xander.

LOL true! And I didn’t even like him at the start, he’s just growing on me because the others are so unlikeable.

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I agree I want to like Shan but she annoyed me in that episode. I just think all the advantages made contestants unlikeable. I don’t mind an advantage but there are just too many of them in play.


I’m actually enjoying this season and the changes more and more it goes on. I don’t mind that new things pop up to keep people thinking and on their toes. Some twists have been good and some not so good. The last episode where they split the tribe for the challenge was a great shake up to prevent people solely relying on their reliance.

Whilst Xander is the only person left that I’m really going for there are some good players there. Shan is annoying and over controlling but keeps it interesting. I would love to see that alliance fall apart this week.

I think it would have done similarly whatever they had done. The last standard season ‘Island of the Idols’ was getting just above 6million and the most recent episode of 41 had 5.56million. Still good ratings as far as shows go in the US - in it’s 41st season and it’s been 1.5 years since the previous season. Like most things on TV the show has shed viewers season to season naturally over time (with the exception of Winners at War rating above the previous few seasons as it was an obvious drawcard). Although I have no idea how much VPM or playback ratings differ this season to the last. From memory Survivor used to pick up a good 2mill on playback.

I am enjoying the season also but I just feel there are a few too many advantages and it is hard to keep track of. What I am glad of is these were given out premerge.

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Yes this. It’s also a nice change to not be so focused on idols and people relying on searching for rehidden Idols to save themselves. That was getting a bit repetitive. It’s interesting how players openly seem to know what advantages everyone has. It means people are strategizing around them which is something we haven’t seen so much of before.

Can anyone explain to me why Shan used her double vote last episode on different people? They essentially cancelled each other out. Was this meant to be building trust with Ricard?

Anyone know if the Survivor finale episode is Dec 16 or 23? Is it likely to be live on 9GO at midday AEDT until 3pm, then again replayed at 7.30pm?

Apparently the vote to decide the winner was already done in Fiji, so no live finale/reunion in LA for season 41 or 42

There are 3 more episodes after tonight so December 16. Go likely hasn’t released their schedule yet so we will wait and see. Apparently the finale is 3 hours. Not sure if there will be any reunion element or if it’s all bundled into one episode filmed in Fiji.

Tonight’s was a great episode. Good move which will shake things up.

There likely won’t be any reunion show this year as they filmed the reveal of the votes in Fiji.

Very controversial twist coming up next week also. Its called ‘Do or Die’.

Just reading about it on Reddit now:

It’s essentially a coin flip.

How it works is that a very, very unlucky player will be forced to play this at tribal council. If they pick right, then they’re still in the game. If they pick wrong, then they’re out of the game. No idols or advantages can save them, even if they have one. Their torch will be immediately snuffed.

The player who will have to play this will be the first person who is out of the immunity challenge.

However, players will have the option of whether or not they want to compete in the immunity challenge

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It’s called Do or Die. I think it featured in one of the early season promo’s. So basically they are told of the twist, given an option to compete in the Immunity and if knocked out of the challege first have a 50/50 chance of remaining in the game.

As gimmicky as it sounds, at least most of the twists this seasons have been based on making decisions with known potential consequences. Like no way would I play immunity if there was a chance of going at the flip of a coin. Only if I already felt that there was more than a 50% chance of me going anyway would I play.

I remember a few episodes ago Danny mentioning that he didn’t think the twist was fair at the merge where they flipped who had won. Some people think they aired this because he gets done by Do or Die but hopefully nobody actually goes home by this twist.


Well that turned out to be a really good episode. I didn’t mind the twist as it at least went to the person who was likely to be going next anyway. Yet taking the risk ended up saving him.

I’m also surprised that only 1 shot in the dark was ever played this season. I was sure that Lianna was going to use it tonight.

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Survivor finale and reunion live on 9Go!

Thursday 16 December

12:00 noon LIVE AEDT

It’s the Survivor Finale as castaways battle it out, but only one is crowned Sole Survivor and takes home the $1 million prize.

02:00 pm
The castaways reunite to talk about their experiences.

Then encore the usual time of 7:30pm and 9:30pm.


That’s good that they are doing the fast tracked finale.

Does anyone know if they’ve actually decided to do a live reunion? I don’t think they originally planned. Too. The winner was apparently announced off the back of the vote in Fiji.

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Update: Confirmed live to all markets.