Survivor (US)

How dare anyone pander to minorities to make them feel more comfortable. It’s a term that doesn’t matter to us. But if it helps others it’s not a hard change to make. Probably could have been something that was just applied rather than discussed. Like how RuPaul stopped calling the contestants woman and drag queens to make those who identified as trans feel more comfortable.

I think some people need to get used to things changing. Society changes behaviour all the time. We don’t want to be those angry white men that didn’t want women to vote…

It’s not the change itself that bothers me, it’s the way they do it. TV is meant to be a fun form of entertainment. Far too many shows are trying to insert certain agendas into the programs.

Take Neighbours for example. The Australia Day storyline with Terese. Absolute nonsense. If I wanted to be informed about social issues I’d search for them and do the reading myself.

Why couldn’t Survivor have just dropped the word and not spoken about it if they really felt so hard about the word “guys”?


Yeah I do understand what you are saying. I think a lot would agree with you. Personally I have no issues with it because I like my thoughts to be challenged. But I can understand why some would just like the opportunity to not have to ‘think’. Although, we know Survivor has that reputation regarding such movements - especially with their discussions around Me Too.

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Clearly you need to start reading.


Na, I’m good. It’s not my business if you’re woke or transgender or bisexual - whatever. I just don’t want to be educated about it. To me you are just another person who’s the same as me. I don’t care for people yelling and screaming that they’re different. (Actually I should say “that you believe you’re different”). If you were really comfortable in your own skin you wouldn’t feel the need to explain yourself to others.

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If you were really comfortable in your own skin you wouldn’t feel the need to explain yourself to others.

Isn’t that what I just said?


So why are you repeating it?


It’s called virtue signalling. They can’t resist telling everyone how virtuous they are. It’s really tiresome and you’re right it’s in so many shows these days.


Yes. They did that one to death.

I don’t think it’s that people don’t want to think, it’s just there’s a time and a place, and Survivor is neither.


I don’t watch Survivor, so don’t really have an opinion on whatever changes they’ve made to be more accepting to minorities.

But hasn’t the arts/entertainment industry been a venue for tackling social/political issues since forever?! Think it’s only really been in the last five years or so that people have really started to question whether there’s agenda pushing at play…

Yes and no. Sure TV and the arts have been tackling these issues with great success. But it didn’t used to be every darn show. There were educational shows, and shows that were just meant to be fun/entertaining without social commentary. The problem is these days the shows that used to be purely entertaining are now also pushing social agendas. It’s not just Survivor. Even the most frivolous of shows that were traditionally just for entertainment, like the Real Housewives franchises, have taken to lecturing - and people are switching off in droves. That’s not what they’re for IMO and sometimes people just want to switch off and be entertained.

I like socially provocative dramas, Four Corners, SBS docos and the like and am generally socially progressive. But I don’t want that from Survivor or the Housewives lol :joy:

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Those who’ve seen this weeks Supergirl would understand. It completely lost the plot this week. It was a confusing mess. The whole episode was about Kelly, a black woman, who was upset she was black? Or upset about racism? You couldn’t even tell why she was upset. Regardless, the show is Supergirl. I want to see her being a superhero and the stories that come with that, not having to put up with characters who’s writers have a clear agenda. Save that for the real world, not scripted drama.

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So this new direction that Survivor seems to be going down is taking risks that affect the number of votes that people have. So at some point some could have multiple votes and others no votes. It definitely makes it a completely different game as you can’t always rely on your alliances vote.

Then it also seems like in order to get immunity (such as Shot in the Dark or an Idol) it is based on taking a risk or having a disadvantage at first too. Which will probably reduce the reliance on Idols and the number of them.

It will be interesting to see how this pans out. It is either going to make it more exciting or more confusing as it goes along.

Totally agree with that analysis. It could go either way. I like the aspect that it might mean less reliance on alliances. It could also mean alliances break up and new ones need to be made on the fly, which is good, as those unbreakable alliances that go for the whole season are just boring.

Anyway time will tell. This week’s tribal was unfathomable. Tiffany was a no-brainer to go. What were they thinking?

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I’ve given up. It’s too complicated. I’ve got no idea what’s going on half the time and I don’t feel connected to any of the contestants. It’s all moving way too fast.

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It seems like Tiffany is a guaranteed ally for Evvie/Liana, particularly in the event of a swap, whereas I think Voce or Xander would be more willing to flip and vote against them if need be. I think Tiffany is someone the others could reliably take to the end as a goat, if they can get that far.

Xander is a better choice to retain given he doesn’t currently have any vote so can’t really sway things, and is perhaps slightly better in challenges than Voce.

Voce also mentions in some if his post-exit interviews that Evvie/Liana/Tiffany don’t mind being decimated in the hopes of becoming the ‘swing’ votes if merged or folded into the other tribes.


Last night was like Survivor on steroids. The show is definitely going at a pace where you are going to need to play day to day rather than longer term. I’m mostly enjoying it and trying to keep open minded about the changes. Some aspects I love and some not so much but we’ll see after this seasons how it all plays out. At least with most advantages (or disadvantages) they all come with a risk so it’s not like things are just handed to anyone anymore.

This would also have to be one of the first times ever that an episode has ended without a Tribal Council or anyone leaving for another reason (e.g. due to a medical evacuation).