They already had an idol that could be played after the vote in a recent season. It was a bad move that was panned by viewers, so I’m surprised they’ve gone there again, although it’s not a single idol this time. The producers evidently need to have it drilled right into their skulls to ditch after-the-vote idols in any form, so I hope fans will do that.
Those guys are so obnoxious and probably lost any chance of winning by behaving like that. I don’t know why they thought pissing off everyone was their only chance when there are so many surprises and ways things can change quickly.
When immunity Idols were first introduced they could be played after the vote (Seasons 12 & 13). It was after that they made it so it had to be played before the votes were read. They did also have a play after vote Idol as well in Cagayan (season 28) as a one off. I think the thinking this season was to encourage people to take a risk in that you have to be willing to reveal your Idol to others to get that super power and potentially make a game changing move However it’s obviously backfired that 2 out of 3 in a minority have them and everyone knows about it.
Well played last night and for once I was glad there was a super Idol in existence! The advantage of the boys relying on a super Idol meant that Scott never played that Idol for himself. Great work by Aubry who I think has played the strongest game and at this point deserves to win.
Definitely a priceless moment with Scott sitting there expecting Tai to hand the idol over with an awkward silence and then ‘No’. haha got what he deserved.
Probably Julia needs to go next. Sit in the middle and you deserve to be burned. It looks like her and Jason putting up some plan to kill Tai’s chicken next week as revenge? Some of these people this season are pure evil. Don’t they realise these antics means they will have zero shot at winning if they make it to the end?
I think Joe is just old and frail and has no clue what’s going on. If he was even an outside chance of winning they would give him more airtime, he’s one of the most non-existence contestants the show has had. He seems like he’s struggling physically as I noticed specifically one tribal council a couple weeks ago it showed everyone walking in and he was already seated (like he had been taken there earlier). It was odd. Since it was hinted there are possibly 3 medevacs this season I reckon it could be him at some point.
I reckon that applies to Cydney more than Joe. Every time she drops out of challenge it looks so nonchalant which makes me think it is deliberate. I’m glad for Tai. You could tell he voted for Scot just looking at his body language after he came back and sat down after he voted.
Tai has played a pretty dumb game in my opinion. Swapping from one group to another isn’t going to help him. His Idol is pretty much non existent now that people know he has it. The smartest thing he did was not give it up to Scott and Jason. He is a lot stronger though than I thought.
One of the most satisfying tribal councils ever. If ever anyone had it coming, Scot did. It was a fatal mistake and misjudgement of Tai’s character for Scot and Jason to decide to go for Aubry just when Tai told them he had brought Aubry to the alliance. They were dismissive and just assumed he would do whatever they wanted.
I found it interesting that Aubry did not trust Michelle enough to try to get her on board to vote out Scot, and instead put all her eggs in Tai flipping to get the last of the four votes needed.
Last night saw Joe get medically evacuated and as a result no tribal council. I knew there had to be another medical coming as it was specifically mentioned that there were going to be 3 this season in the pre-season stuff.
So next week will be the finale. It’s been a while since we’ve had a final 4 so I’m guessing it will probably be a final 2.
At this stage I think anyone could win. If Aubrey makes it to the end she is probably the most deserving but I have a feeling this jury might reward someone like Michelle. I think Tai has burnt to many people to have any shot.
Three medical evacuations and a guy going home with an idol in his pocket. If there is another second chance season than Caleb, Neal, Scot and Joe would have to be in contention.
Yeah Tai can no longer use his Idol so he can easily be rid of now if the girls decide to stick together. It will be interesting to see if it’s a final 3 or a final 2.
It looks like one of the next two seasons (most likely season 34 unless they change the airing order again) is going to be another returning cast season.
I’ve had a feeling for a few weeks now that Michelle would win. I feel as though despite her being a floater, sitting in the middle and not making any major moves… the editing last few weeks still tried to shine her in a more positive light. I didn’t mind Michelle as a person but it’s a little disappointing from a game perspective that in the end it came down to who played a better social game (or who had more friends on the jury) than any strategic game.
The jury vote out twist was interesting. I’m not sure if I’m a fan of it or not but it did add another level of strategy to the game we hadn’t seen before. Aubry definitely would have had another vote if Neal was there, but it didn’t make a difference to the outcome.
Having Sia at the reunion was so random. Clearly she’s a big Survivor fan. Also next season seems to be the strangest title yet… Just ‘Survivor: Millennials vs Generation X’. So seems like people in their 20s vs people in their 50s+60s. I’m surprised they showed a fair few contestants in the previews as well as they don’t often do that at a reunion and literally only finished filming the season last week (and in the coming weeks Jeff will be back to Fiji to film the next season which is a returning cast season).
I can see why CBS held off this season for the back end. It wasn’t a very strong season and didn’t really have many likable contestants. As for the twist I liked it. It would have been interesting if Aubry had won. That is where the twist could have planned a big part.
The reunion shows seem to get worse every year. You could previously count on Jeff making an effort to speak to each contestant even if only briefly. This time so many things left unadressed. No questions for Jason and Scot? No question for Neal about being kicked off the jury - medically evacuated (no update on his health), doesn’t get a vote, and has a massive spray on the way out? WTF Very disappointing episode.
Personally would have preferred an Aubry win. The season seemed to limp to the finish after a promising start.