
Check out the claimed BVOD viewership for morning TV posted every day.


100%. On my daily commute people are sleeping, listening to music, checking social media on their phones. I have never seen anyone watch Sunrise/Today - I mean, why would they? A quick check of Twitter/FB/news website would give them any info they needed in seconds. It is not something that will take off


Are those numbers including just people watching for a few seconds?

I don’t really see the issue with the ad. Yes, the bulk of Sunrise’s audience are people who once they’re out of the door for the day won’t turn back on via 7+.

However, if there’s a good interview they’re trailing people might pull it up at the office when they get it, or it might remind viewers they can pull Sunrise up on the iPad in the kitchen while they make breakfast and hand the TV/main device over to their kids, or the degenerates/unemployed/retired might see it and realise they can lay in bed and watch it on their iPad/laptop.


Why would you? The brains at Seven and other FTA broadcasters are loading up their catch-up services with longer and longer un-skippable ad breaks. It’s in their interest to charge a lot more for two or three 10 second ads an ad break and keep people watching than the 2-3 minute ad breaks we are seing on 7+ now. and yes this is for catch-up and live streaming but it means people don’t bother using the app again for things like live news.


I watch a bit of sunrise on the bus after it airs, how is that not practical?

Money, viewership, get new exposure - there is always something new being added.

Are you talking about a person who has problems because ABC iView is easiest use? That doesn’t make sense to me, all these apps are designed to be easy to use.

What issues? Specifics? I know the 10 app on the Hubble needs to be fixed, because it keeps giving me the NSW feed instead of the WA feed. (Even though i have it set to WA in the app). - This is where geoblocking would be useful so i don’t have to keep getting the wrong feed.

I don’t think it is. I think 7plus outrates most of the content they have than Netflix does.

I am not sure what you are trying to drive at. Plenty of people i see, watch news on the way to work whether its 7, or some kind of other news service.

What are you on about?

What bugs are you referring to that may put them off from watching the news on a commute to work? Generally i have found the reception has been great to watching on demand and live content.

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They show it multiple times every morning but usually it’s on the screen in the presentation area.
Usually says, “Sunrise on the go.”

They should be promoting streaming it on 7Plus, and there’s validity in saying “when you head out, you can still watch.” But, it’s not ideal to encourage the already diminishing TV audience to switch off and watch elsewhere, because you risk them relying more on social media for their news. It’s one of the missteps the industry made 10 years ago.

Some of the issues if you were to watch Sunrise’s VOD and you seek to a particular part several times you would receive an ad after each seek that is just annoying. Among other things.
The average viewer isn’t going to treat Disney Plus or Netflix or Stan any different from 7Plus, 9Now, 10 play etc. If the user experience is sub pair which the commercial VOD apps are compared to Netflix people will lose patience and stop using it. When the user experience on ABC iView is better than your app you have a problem. The ABC IView app has had a better user experience since it has existed. Why? Commercial networks have more money it should be the opposite. The networks still upload segments to YouTube and I don’t see that changing it makes it easier for everyone. Same if I miss Ray Hadley’s morning show I can listen to the podcast without as much annoyance as it would be to find a particular segment of Sunrise.

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One thing the 7+ app doesnt allow for is background play, so you can’t multitask on a commute.

Also, now that 7News is signed up to iHeart, why not start Sunrise radio so you can at least listen on the go? I know the practicality is that it won’t count towards the ratings so they won’t be for it in that respect, but imagine being able to seemlessly move from watching over breakfast to listening in the car/on the train. (And it only has to operate from 5am- midday).

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The BBC used to put the best bits of their TV breakfast show on a podcast… and this was nearly 20 years ago! So Channel 7 has no excuse…

7 are very haphazard with this. Sometimes it appears on the 7news youtube (with 7news branding so you don’t know its from Sunrise), sometimes on the Sunrise youtube, but they miss lots of content these days. And no segments or small chunks on 7+.0

Well they need to make money , so ads are part of it.

You just basically answered your own question. Commercial networks make money through advertising. But i do recognize traditional tv is a dying breed so that will change over the next 50 years or so.

Good America does this (just best bits) and same with CBS Mornings. (American tv watcher here haha)

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Old logo featured in The Nightly tonight…


Nat and Shirvo went to a charity dinner in Sydney tonight.

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:rofl: Jeez 7 are useless. How do you drag up artwork that’s got to be at least six months old?


The force was strong on Sunrise this morning (ahead of May 4the fourth).

Lucky there were circles to guide you where to look :smile:


Are we really still doing ‘May the 4th’ - it was kinda funny the first year, but surely it’s over?

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…It’s the 3rd of May?