
One was already leaving though according to the story. The other was moved to the Sydney newsroom.


Lots of Instagram posts of her holidaying in her home state of WA!

Yes, context matters when posting selective quotes from stories.

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Some quotes from the report.

Also mentions the quantum of the defamation settlement.

Sources have told The Australian that multiple staff have since left the program, including two producers, as the investigation into the disastrous errors on the show’s April 14 program continues.

It resulted in a costly legal settlement between Mr Cohen and Channel 7, which is reportedly in the vicinity of $300,000.

… so far one male producer who admitted involvement in naming the wrong man as the killer has been moved on from the program and reassigned to Seven’s news division.

The show’s supervising producer, … finished up at Seven last week, however her departure from the network was already in place… and she is joining rival network, Channel 9.


Wow, guessing her contract allowed this, assume she’ll be Weekend Today EP or something then (would surely want on-par or better role)? Steven Burling probably hoping she can bring across a bit of WS’ success, Nine’s weekend breakfast show has seen some great results in recent weeks too.


A shame, given the rarity of diversity at Seven.

You assume a demotion?

National to local? Yeah a demotion.

Both Weekend Sunrise presenters on this morning.


Is Doran there to basically make sure they have a proper journo there for Shirvo?


Don’t they always have journalists doing stories and interviews on location for the show?


Doran does alot of taped packages and explainers during the week. I think it’s more a way to make him work more than two days a week.


Really trying to plug the streaming on 7+ lately.
Graphic on the front of the desk this morning as they go to break:


Wonder if that’s cause Today’s BVOD numbers at breakfast are usually ahead of Sunrise :thinking:


That’s a really smart advert.


Giveaway this morning

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Subtle :rofl:


They have been doing it for months however I would suggest that most people may watch Sunrise while they are having breakfast but I very much doubt many would watch it on their phones once they leave the house as it’s not very practical if you have to drive for one. Unless there is a good story of interest coming up. 7 Plus and other catch up services have been around for over 10 years and I would say the vast majority of people know that it exists so I don’t understand the need to advertise it as much as they do. Spend the time and money on making the apps easier to use. When ABC iView is the easiest to use then you have problems. Some of the issues the apps have should have been fixed ages ago when their competitors are Netflix who have an excellent app. Or better advertise that a VOD of Sunrise is available on 7Plus for viewing later.


Is Netflix really a competitor to 7+? They don’t offer news, or do live-streaming all that well either.

I get what you mean that they need to improve their services, but all the Australian networks combined would have an operating budget for their BVOD services that would be a blip on the radar for what Netflix spends.

It’s in 7’s best interest to keep plugging viewers to 7+ as linear broadcasts decline and BVOD is gradually increasing year-on-year.

Sunrise is also generally lagging behind Today in terms of BVOD live viewing, would be a big driver for reminding viewers it’s there.

Yes people watch Netflix and may miss a show on Seven and would see how dreadful the experience is on 7Plus and turn off as most people do not have the patience to put up with the bugs.
BVOD for a morning news show is pointless people who cummute to work aren’t going to bother. Do you see many people in general watching Sunrise or Today on the train or bus? The phone reception issues alone make it annoying and people aren’t going to bother.

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Seven must have information to suggest otherwise that it’s worth promoting 7+ during the show.