
I don’t know why they complicate it so much. It’s so simple and basic.

The whole national show airs nationally.

At :10 and :40 past each hour, no national content is produced and each market/statin gets a 3 minute window for live content

They can do with it what works for their market

Can be live local headlines, live crosses, heavy on weather heavy on sport or traffic. Or even in the 8pm hour can be a little more longer form interviews or even a local feature.

Anything that resonates and works with the local market and builds a connection to that city


Queensland stories were near the top of the headlines today. However, for the most part, Sunrise managed to keep the story of the ‘road map’ confined to the local insert. When the national stories were played out, they omitted that story.

However, when Annastacia Palaszczuk was interviewed nationally at 8:30 AEDT, this wasn’t seen live in Queensland. It was shown on delay at 8:30 instead of the local insert. The local insert was then played out at 8:30 am local time.

That meant that the Premier was seen first on Today.


Its not easy to just break in live to an ongoing show. The logistics are too onerous. That was a 9 minute interview, which would throw off the entire 7am hour, and they’d then have to fill locally or try and jigsaw in bits of what was missed. Thats alot for a small team.

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Sunrise isn’t going to make it out of 3rd place in QLD by doing things the easy way.

They are ahead of the competition now with local inserts, and should have tried for the interview live at 7.30am in place of the local news insert instead of doing that at 8:30 am.

Instead they were third with their interview. ABC viewers could watch it at 8:20am or even at 7:20am on ABC News.


The weather info on the orange strap during the Qld news is so annoying. It keeps popping out to the right every time the orange strap changes but then pops back to the left… you can’t read it properly as it disappears too quickly.
Think the problem is that in the local news the straps keep changing quickly, compared to the national news where it stays longer giving you enough time to see it scroll through the cities.

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Victoria countdown to Freedom Friday


So Nathan Templeton is back reporting this week which is interesting. Maybe they’ve pulled the plug on Melbourne news inserts? Or they’re waiting a little bit longer?


Position does change depending on length of text.

Sometimes it disappears. Other times it gets stuck partially displayed on the left.


Was much better in the 7.30 news with the supers staying onscreen longer.


Matt Doran is reporting from a cafe in Melbourne this morning, to mark the end of lockdown.


It there a need for it when Melbourne have their own reporters?


Yes, Sunrise is currently 3rd in Melbourne. They need to reconnect with this market and having a presenter there helps. Especially on a big news day for that city.


Sunrise doing a simulcast this morning with 4KQ to celebrate the 15 year anniversary for the breakfast team. Unfortunately major technical error saw much of the into missed on 4KQ with dead air broadcast.


I assume he will stay down there the next couple of weekends until the border reopens with Sydney?


Nathan Currie got his hair cut live on air this morning.


The coverage this morning, including Matt here in VIC was real well done.


They need to do more of this!
Remember back in 2002 when this version Sunrise began and Mel and Reaso used to cross to a radio station each morning about 6.50? Can’t remember the exact details though sorry…


It could be a Qld version of “hot topics” each day…

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This is what I mean when I say each city needs a three minute local window at :10 and :40 past every hour where they can go live and local ro connect with the city / state

It does not just need to be News headlines

It can be lifestyle, interview, music, this type of thing, extended weather or traffic. Live on site somewhere.

Obviously news of course, especially 6-8, but the 8 hour crosses can be more this type of thing

Content that really connects to the city