Sunrise (2015-Sept 2020)

What happened?

Kochie is returning from holidays next week.

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Nat has been glowing covering the U.S. Presidential Election over the past week. She deserve to be U.S. bureau chief or senior correspondent or something, not shafted like Melissa Doyle was when she leaves Sunrise.

And Nat will probably back on the news by then, I would assume.


Mike should replace Kochie when he retires.


I personally think that Mike Amor would be better suited to something like Weekend Sunrise or a “week in review” type program. Couldn’t really imagine him presenting the weekday editions of Sunrise unless they were to have a major format change to more serious/news-based content.

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You could shift Sunrise towards being more news-based without getting rid of the ‘traditional’ fluffy elements of breakfast TV to utilize Amor. As an example - part of the reason behind NBC’s Today becoming competitive again in the ratings after the Ann Curry saga was the show focusing more on news and ‘big’ interviews in the first hour of the program.


Sunrise won week 46 by an average of 22,000 winning all days except Thursday.


Chris Reason hosting with Sam this morning with Nat back reading news.
Chris mentioned it has been 15 years since he last hosted.


[quote=“Salty, post:1808, topic:69, full:true”]
Chris Reason hosting …Chris mentioned it has been 15 years since he last hosted.
[/quote] It seems an odd choice to me when a more than capable fill-in for Kochie is sitting next to all of these subs. If the show is slightly more news-skewed this morning, I think he will be okay.

I personally enjoyed Reaso hosting today. He wasn’t that bad. Actually seemed quite enthusiastic compared to what we see him like usually.

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Yeah coz he got his old job back (even if it was just for a day), wouldn’t you be happy if you got the job you loved (which you had to quit due to illness) back (even if it’s for a short period of time).

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Chris is hosting with Sam again this morning. Sounds like he could be hosting all week.

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Ugh these nicknames for seveners. Awful.

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Sunrise has been flogging Today in the ratings with Kochie absent, even with Chris Reason! Maybe it is time for Kochie to go and I do say that with sadness.


Definitely, and I daresay that some heavy news coverage in the last couple of weeks has helped as well.

And the lift in the morning seems to be rubbing off on the 6pm figures as well - massive win in Sydney last night, and a win on Sunday as well despite The Block finale.


I think Chris Reason has been doing a great job. I could have sworn he has filled in at some other stage during the last 15 years though.

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Reaso read the news once last year with Nat and Sam hosting. And don’t forget, Reaso was the inaugural male co-host of Weekend Sunrise, so don’t get confused with that either.

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[quote=“nationalnews, post:1815, topic:69”]
Maybe it is time for Kochie to go and I do say that with sadness.
[/quote] I know people are going to ask what I mean in the statement so I am going to explain in advance. IMO, Kochie is the face of the early Sunrise (2002-2006)- laid-back, daggy and being relatable to the audience. So, letting him go will be the final straw of that era ( after Mel and Boland) and TBH, I am not saying that that is necessarily a bad thing. Who Kochie’s replacement would be, I am unsure (perhaps see the return of Matt White to Seven?) but I am sure his departure will be polarising for both the traditional and new Sunrise audience.

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I’m well aware he was the original host. That’s why I thought it was some what poetic he be back hosting and the thought did even cross my mind, wouldn’t it be interesting if he returned to the job so many years later.

Kochie returns from holidays tomorrow.

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