Sunrise (2015-Sept 2020)

Modified endtag in the Sunrise promo tonight. Speaking of the promo, what sort of content is that? Lifestyle tips x3 and an entertainment interview. Certainly makes me want to wake up with Sunrise tomorrow… not.

Nat hosting with Kochie and Eddy on news this morning.
James Tobin presenting weather today.


First time in soooo long. Great to have him back.


Love it when Nat is co-hosting. So much better. Absolutly shines. Plus, she has far better chemistry with kochie.


Totally agree about Nat.
Also having James on weather was perfect for me anyway .lf this was the regular team in 2017(realistically not going to happen) l would return to watching on a regular basis.


As would I.

Kochie & Nat, Eddy on news (although I’m not her biggest fan), Beretts on sport and James Tobin on weather. Move Sam Mac to weekends (which I think would suit his style)


Not that they would do this, but I would swap Nat and Sam. Get rid of Eddy (she just isn’t cutting the mustard) and see if Sam Mac improves.

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I still think Eddy would shine in an Orange Room style role. Ditch Sam and Sam Mac. Put Nat as co-host, JT on Weather and find someone new (Hermione Kitson?) for News.


I will correct that haha

Monique Wright on news. And yes, Eddy in an Orange room role would be good. They could do News, Sport, Weather & an ‘Orange Room’ style thing where they look at viewers’ social media reaction to the daily news, hot topics and soapbox every half an hour for 15 minutes.

All of the real highlight of Sunrise on YouTube is usually of Nat and Kochie.

Eddy isn’t the best newsreader, I think keep her on entertainment.

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They really should’ve got Rebecca Maddern to be the newsreader when Mel left.


I don’t think Bec was interested in moving to Sydney.

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I’m still just not keen on the set. It probably cost a fortune but it just doesn’t look like it was money well spent.
The graphics just need a whole new overhaul as well. It just doesn’t work in my opinion.
But hey I know others will disagree.


I actually don’t mind the graphics. They are better than Today’s IMO. As is the set, but, I’m still not the biggest fan of the set. They always change the screen behind the loundge to a different view of the plaza…just choose one!! The desk area looks good, the soft set is OK… but, I’m not sold on the performance area, it’s on a wierd sort of angle.
I wish they would’ve looked to CBS THIS MORNING or Good Morning Britain for inspiration for the set.


I totally agree. Things seriously went wrong after we got the clinical set and graphics, for sure.

The graphics still grate on me and often switch channels to avoid them. The colours used on the set can easily be altered. The colour palate I see now often looks horrible.

Today I saw something else that was awful. A graphic is shown on the big screen and the camera pans left and right in the studio to show it. Again and Again. WTF?


I agree. Sunrise’s current On-Air Presentation looks rather tacky and dated already, I’d hate to imagine how bad it’ll be in 3 years time!

The same thing can be said about Seven News’ newer branding too. It’s all distinctively 2006, rather than 2016 IMO.


Ch 7 totally went there…

“Thanks for making us Australia’s #1” promo already :confused:

(Obviously talking about metro average audience and/or national).

Aired during The Secret Daughter.


Eddy presenting weather on Tuesday this week.