Sunrise (2015-Sept 2020)

I agree.
Sam Armytage and Sam Mac are the reasons I stopped watching sunrise.
I personally can’t stand either of them

And I never suggested that Sunrise should be going with a straight news bulletin.

You disputed my fact that Sunrise became #1 when they were growing their format early on. They DID NOT become the #1 breakfast show until they changed the format and part of that change was when Boland made the presenters use nicknames.

And there is nothing wrong with having them broadcast weddings, it’s getting in touch with their viewer base and meeting the viewers in a different way. I also did not say that Sunrise has more news now. If anything there is less hard hitting news, than previously aired. Both shows are guilty of this.

Also if you really have read the book than you would know that Sunrise began as just a news bulletin, then over time it evolved. And like I mentioned (both in this post and previously), Sunrise became #1 when it became more viewer friendly.

Point is, you stated, and I quote[quote=“TFTV, post:1669, topic:69, full:true”]
And then people seen sunrise and tasted it which was more newsier back then and the rest is history

Sunrise did not start overtaking Today whilst they were more ‘newsier’

You don’t understand what I’m saying.
In relation to that quote …
Sunrise was more newsier back then than they are now. I wasn’t comparing the 2 shows back then, I was comparing sunrise now to then. That’s what I’ve been doing the whole time, talking about how much sunrise has changed (for the worse).

& you were saying that Today was doing weddings in the early 2000s, sunrise didn’t, and it was happening at a time when Sunrises’ audience was increasing, even if they weren’t #1 yet.

You orginally said that a wedding on breakfast tv is horrendous. And I said that there was nothing wrong with it as Today had already done it back when Today was last on top.

You then asked how were Today’s ratings then? And I answered with that they were fine and Today was still very much the dominating force in that timeslot.

You then replied by saying that people saw Sunrise and tasted it which was more newsier back then and the rest is history.

Then I said viewers did not start making the switch to Sunrise until they dropped the newsier format.

You then disputed my claim

Tell me what I’m not understanding?

You used my quote thinking that I was comparing the 2 shows back then, but I was comparing sunrise now to then in terms of how ‘newsy’ they are. That’s what you are not understanding.
The bottom line is, sunrise is less newsy now. Leave the weddings to TMS, people want to catch up on the news in the morning.

Well technically you are comparing both shows especially when you ask plainly: [quote=“TFTV, post:1667, topic:69, full:true”]
And how were Today’s ratings then?

That was a different post. Your arguing a loosing cause. Surely you would have better things to do then sit on Media Spy and try and fault and twist what people are saying when they know what they said. How many years have you worked in Breakfast television?

Sunrise has never been less ‘newsy’ and they lose their first year in over a decade. Staging Weddings don’t help. That’s the bottom line. They need to change. They need a fresh voice at the helm.

If you insist the. And well it’s a lazy Saturday down here in Adelaide, weather’s a bit crappy. So no, not really much to do. And I’m not twisting what you are saying at all actually. And I’ve never worked in breakfast television at all, but I have been following the breaky TV war for about the last 12 years, so I think I have just as much right as you to be discussing it.

And there you go again saying that Sunrise has never been less ‘newsy’ - well they actually have, I don’t see how you can sit and there and not realise that. I honestly don’t.

Staging Weddings is not the reason why they have lost the top spot. Today was off to a firing start at the beginning of the year (and guess what: Sunrise was not airing a wedding).

However after all that, I have to agree with you saying that they need a fresh voice at the helm. And I would disagree (to an extent) that they need to change. They made all these changes at the beginning of the year, and it has not helped. Small niche changes and gradual changes is what they should be doing.

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I believe sunrise has never been less newsy. At the 2010 relaunch, Boland said he wanted the show to be more smart. But I believe it is less ‘smarter’ and ‘newsy’ now than it ever has been. The Sex and the City thing at the start of the year was a disaster and just one example.

Sunrise has hosted a few weddings (TMS did them when Pell was in charge). In relation to yesterday’s wedding I said “it didn’t help”.

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Have to agree. I didn’t mind Sam Armytage on news (when she was by herself) or Weekend Sunrise which was always more light and fluffy than it’s weekday counterpart but now that version is just as silly. At least when Mel was still on the program there was a serious element and a serious side to stories. Now it’s just a free for all with who can make the stupidest remarks and perform the stupidest stunts.

Another problem I have is Eddy. Last week when I tuned in to see her presenting news and making editorialised comments or remarks after just about every story she read I realised she is part of the problem.

I don’t think Sam Mac does anything wrong, I have just struggled to find him likeable.

With the absence of Nat last week I really struggled to enjoy and even tolerate the program. You’ll never see me watching Today, but I find myself watching ABC News Breakfast more and more every week.


It seems to have been forgotten (unless I missed it) that the introduction of Sam Armytage to Sunrise is a major reason reason that Today has taken until now to catch up with Sunrise. In 2013, Today was closing in on Sunrise in the ratings and for the first time since 2003 (IIRC) won the month of July. The next month Sunrise saw the departure of Mel and Sunrise was back on top and their numbers kept going up. 2014’s ratings were 20% up on the previous year and were back to having a comfortable lead.


I quite liked her when she first joined. But she has become too comfortable and her laughing and giggling has increased dramatically. Now, the audience agree and are getting tired of her. Look at social media reaction to her. They posted a photo on Facebook of her recently and it took me a while to find a positive comment, one comment saying “it’s all about Sam”.
I’m sure she is a very nice lady and she has done well to get where she is, but I’m just tired of her. Kochie looks tired and disinterested too.

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Gotta agree with your opinion on Kochie, maybe they should start off fresh with a brand new duo! But might be risky as Kochie’s sort of a TV icon

My suggestion (which I’m sure will never be seriously considered, but anyway) for a Sunrise duo to replace Kochie & Sam as co-presenters: Natalie Barr & Mark Beretta.

Both Nat & Beretts have been a part of Sunrise for years and are probably more popular with viewers than Karl Stefanovic & Lisa Wilkinson, so it’s a no brainer really!


If you include the Olympics, the metro ratings are still too close to call (essentially tied) between Sunrise & Today.

Which is why Ch 9 were desperately promoting the ‘gentlemans agreement’ (exclusion of the Olympics ratings) to get their way this morning :wink:

Which basically no one ever does. But please, proceed.

  1. Based on the numbers TV Cynic has been posting, Today’s winning margin is still pretty dominant (in terms of weeks won) regardless of whether you include or exclude the Olympics
  2. The only network who include the Olympics in their PR spin is naturally the network who had the rights to them. It’s not some ‘desperate’ tactic by Nine but rather PR Spin 101
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And I suppose it would make the change more subtle and seamless with Eddy on news and Simon Reeve on sport (both who have also been apart of the Sunrise fam for more than a decade now). However, I honestly don’t think Kochie needs to go just yet, and I think he will leave on his own account in a few years. The first change I would make is the E.P.

Obviously they are popular with the viewers, and in fact they might entice former loyal Sunrise viewers back. However, I am not too sure whether they would be better than Lisa and Karl, but that is just my opinion.

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I have warmed to PJ. I like her gentle approach to reading the news.

Great to see PJ Madam on the show this weekend.