Social Media

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As much as I am ambivalent about Andrew Forrest, I do like this court action. There are far too many illegal, fake and scam ads on Facebook which go unmoderated for far too long.


Fake news. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Edit button for Twitterers


Twitter has agreed to an Elon Musk takeover deal.

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I know 7 news Melbourne is beating 9 news Melbourne atm in ratings, but as far as social media live posts go regarding the VIC govt: 9 news Melbourne’s Facebook page is airing a Facebook live from the health minister here in victoria, but 7 news Melbourne’s Facebook page there is nothing

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Seems that Twitter is limiting the number of tweets you can see before you have to log in. You can see the ten most recent tweets before a message pops up asking you to log in to your Twitter account or sign up for one.

If you read the tweets on your computer and come across the message, you can just close the message and continue browsing as normal.

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Just like Facebook.

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