Social Media

Just make it “government-funded” and be done with it. People will figure out the nuances between them over time.

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Agreed. I don’t understand the uproar about these labels at all, particularly as YouTube has had them for years and years.

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I guess "government funded’ suggests some sort of allegiance to the government or their involvement in running it, whereas “publicly funded” sounds like it is funded by tax payer dollars and not run by the government.

and now it’s RTHK’s turn in Hong Kong:

Probably the one that makes most sense to me out of the labelled broadcasters, considering its editorial shifts in the recent years and its administrative structure.

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SBS was also labelled as government-funded media.


An SBS spokesman told The Australian that the broadcaster disagreed with the label applied by Twitter, arguing it did not reflect the nature of the media group’s funding, which is partly supported by advertising.

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It’s all a joke to Elon. Ha ha.

Is that real?

It is, and CBC certainly don’t find it funny:


I can see a lot of other media outlets following this.


These kinds of labels can actually be really helpful and it would be good to see how they could be used for private media companies too. It behooves platforms like Twitter to do more to dispel and discourage misinformation, providing contextual labels like this can help.

It does feels a bit like it reveals an inconvenient truth for these broadcasters though, they’re happy to distance themselves from the terminology used, despite it reviewing Twitter’s definitions applied, is decently accurate. I’d be interested to see how many of these broadcasters agree with labeling the likes of RT as “state-affiliated” but are not happy to have a similar (yet appropriate) label themselves.

The whole thing is a bit childish - but what do you expect from someone who can be best described as a ManBaby. But throwing digital tantrums doesn’t do these dissenting agencies many favours - although I do wonder if it gives them sufficient cover to exit the platform (something no doubt they’ve been considering since Musk took over)


Well, NPR and PBS in the US aready did that as well…

[Update] And now Swedish Radio of all people called quits too, the first European broadcaster to do so.

So far, only BBC had a little U-turn on their labelling - does that mean the policy will keep on running?

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Twitter has removed legacy verified on 4/20 :roll_eyes:.

All blue and gold check marks are now paid for.

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What an absolute twit. Pardon the pun.

What does he think he is going to achieve by doing this?

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Heard on both Seven and Nine morning shows today. "Well he’s gotta pay for that rocket that ‘disassembled’. "

I’ve already seen copy cat accounts being talked about.


Thats exactly it. Twitter is already full of fakes and phoney accounts. The verified mark was the only way to know you’re actually hearing from someone legitimately.


…bUt eLiTiSts……

Sorry what?

Here’s some more stuff happening …

Example of copy cat

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Musk and his right wing cult are against legacy accounts because they call them elitists for being verified, so he’s destroyed the meaning of verification so anyone can get it (as long as they pay him)

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