
Jason: As “Deep Throat” played in the 1976 film by Hal Holbrook famously said: “follow the money”. Differentiation = risk.

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Smooth ads popping up again. Still no mention of frequency etc. Not sure how they expect listeners to know to tune in Smooth FM when its only on DAB.


I know. It’s baffling. Why don’t they just add a line about it being on DAB and Online?

Radio station promotion, particularly DAB, has been and continues to be abysmal in this country. When I compare it to how they promote stations in the UK for example, it’s just pathetic. When you see or hear a promo for a station in the UK, you will know how to listen to it - it’s the most fundamental part of the promotion process…


I don’t think it’s necessary on a lot of vehicles it comes up with a list of available stations and Smooth is listed however the average listener would not know that the list of stations that appear on their car radio is actually DAB. I would say the vast majority of people listen to radio in the car.

If they listen at home they may put the two together or they could just do what I do and listen using the live stream. Some people may have a digital radio but I would not think it is that common. Having a normal FM radio would be far more common.

The ads if they are the same as the previous compaign from a few months ago isn’t very good the previous compaign with Buble and Robbie Williams were far better I would sack their advertising agency. The quality of ads that have been released lately in general are just dreadful like this campaign, the NRMA Insurance A Help Company, and even the Telstra campaign is just bad just to name a few recent ones.


Yes agree. Although there are still a lot of people that don’t know what DAB is and actually don’t know their car has it. I personally know quite a few people that I’ve had to show how to select DAB in their cars… They were on FM so we’re only getting the FM list. For a station like Smooth that’s only on DAB in some cities their ads really need to specify it’s on the DAB band.

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If people don’t know what DAB is it doesn’t make any difference if they include it or not. Maybe the commercial radio body should start an awareness campaign it’s not just Smooth’s responsibility.

The confusing thing for DAB listeners in Brisbane for example is the stations name is Smooth FM - so FM is where would listeners expect to find the station.


No you just need to show a finger hitting a button labelled DAB on the car radio to get the message across. That’s what’s been missing since the start of DAB in this country. General awareness needs to start with the “how” and “what”.

Right from the start the industry never got the message across clearly that DAB was just another band eg. AM/FM/DAB… People would have gotten that if it was simply explained like that.

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Yep should be branded Smooth Radio like it is in UK


Stupid ad.

How on earth is “We built this City” a Smooth song?


It wasn’t originally, but it is now… There are worse ones than that which are aired on Smooth.


Yes, I have noticed some more edgy and upbeat sounding songs have aired on smoothfm in recent years.


Maybe they need to take a leaf out of a peanut butter brand… Go from “Smooth” to “Crunchy”!


I want to know the real reason why they cut the ad just as they’re about to sing the words, “On rock & roll”.

Is it because smooth doesn’t play rock & roll?

Seems more like a Pure Gold ad than a smooth TVC.

A long way from their famous Buble ads.


Melbourne Radio Wars has suggested Chrissy Swan will present breakfast in Sydney and Melbourne next year.


Chrissy Swan on Smooth?


Yep. Networked breakfast. Suggestion was Smooth gets great ratings but it’s not being monetised properly, have a personality in breakfast would allow them to do more with clients.


Local breakfast shows in Brisbane, Adelaide and Perth would probably go too.