No doubt at all. But these conservative politicians are then turning around and spouting opinion that would be only be supported by a minority of people. These people are irrelevant on fringe issues. Case in point Tony Abbott … more and more out of step with the masses.
There is no such thing as left and right. Its used to keep us trapped into that bubble.
Sky News Pledge Drive / Telethon coming soon?
Keep dreamin son
Tonight they’ve got Rowan Dean on and he’s harping on about some right wing bullshit to do with climate change… “if Turnbull dumps Paris agreement he would win in a landslide” … is this prick for real. The populous wouldn’t even give two fucks about that. It’s some sort of ideological debate the right are getting themselves into a lather about.
Of course.
so what is wrong saying that about the left and right paradigm
Hmm… Fox News would blame Obama, which main party can Sky News blame? Turbull’s notquiteconservativetoappeasetraditionalpartyconservativesbutmorethanbeforehewasPM almost-conservatism? Shorten’s clowning around? The so-called “lefties” and “libtards”?
Who would have thought the Sky News thread was so woke.
If they have the right equipment, TV signals can be piped into the bikes and treadmills and cross trainers. Wouldn’t be that bloody hard!
By whom? I think he’s been skolling the Kool-Aid again.
mate, if i donated $100 to abuse paul murray it would be worth it
To quote Media Watch’s Paul Barry “Can you believe it?”
Rowan Dean is a lunatic. Why he still exists on Australian TV landscape bewilders me.
The fuckwit is back on Sky spouting something about the rescue being due to fossil fuels, Israeli equipment, something about gender of the divers, that they saved boys who play in caves and not with dolls. Then Bolt that this is caused by masculinity and being rescued by men. How is any of the remotely relevant?
It’s a good news moment. That cannot be allowed to stand, unless the Right was somehow responsible (which in their minds it was).
I don’t mind Paul Murray, if Sky News was on fire, I’d save him, but that’s it. I prefer his FM radio/Paul and Rach days over his Sky News show.
Because it’s Sky News. Much like how you can get scat porn on the internet - if you want it enough, you can pay for it.
How the hell did they manage to get that out of the rescue of a boy’s soccer team out of a cave. Sounds like they weren’t breastfed as babies, or have suffered a severe concussion in their formative years…