Sky News

A very good opening monologue by Paul Murray about the Christchurch attack.


Idiot Bolt sitting on the fence… “he rejects all sides in this debate”. Always has to find the most propsterous angles to argue a point. Pathetic.

Why do sky news turn every issue into something about free speech when there is an issue that they’re on the wrong side of any controversial debate? Morons.

Murray hysterical over free speech rather than the horror that has taken place. :roll_eyes:

Meanwhile on Sky UK there was a deep ocean live filming from the bottom of the Indian Ocean

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A post was merged into an existing topic: Christchurch Mosques Terror Attack - Coverage

Reading that reinforces the culture that is at Sky. What a terrible place to work. The extreme right is evident every night on that channel.


Did anyone notice that Sky news has stopped showing Sky UK overnight. Currently showing News night encore, Then Credline, Then Bolt Report, Then Front Page

Sky UK is already on 605 so no need for simulcast from 1-6am. Sky News UK has been a full-time 24/7 channel since May last year


It must have started this week because Sky UK was still simulcast on 600 last week.

Bolt has diNatale on tonight and they’re openly arguing and going toe to toe.

Di Natale has been on the show previously, prior to the switch to Sky.

He and Bolt are old sparring buddies.

Interesting design feature? suffering big screen envy towards Channel Ten?


Not surprising that Hanson is on Andrew bolt tonight.

Bolt: “but I’m not here to defend one nation… but I will defend them against the media attacks”
The guy has lost his mind.

He’s also rallying against Morrison putting them last.

Extreme right wing tv at its finest. Just a disgrace.


He’s so hypocritical. Which one is it?


God knows… Pauline playing the victim. No one calls her out or abuses what comes out of her mouth. Why won’t anyone call her stupid?

‘That media pack’

Completely neglecting the fact that he is also a part of that ‘media pack’ he’s ranting on about.

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