Seven On-Air Presentation

Dancing Billboards


A “now on” multi-channel line-up

A rare colon used instead of a full stop in the time text on this promo (yes very minor but noteworthy nonetheless)


Front Bar billboard


5sec network ID / time filler (which has been tweaked a few times in recent years) being used extensively by NPC Media during today’s Oscars


Hadn’t seen this yet (my apologies if someone else has already disused it).

Seven’s Olympics watermark (at least main channel) is animated, like a throwback to 2003-2011 with the old “7 Sport” watermark, with just the larger “7” appearing for 10sec (with PRG/classification bug) and then it gets smaller and drops backwards, as the Olympic rings twirl on underneath and a split second later the coloured promo add-on (Big Brother in this case) appears, fading to watermark a minute or two later.

Also, since the Olympics watermarks have also appeared on the multi-channels (except 7flix), the watermark doesn’t fade in immediately upon return from an ad break, instead there’s a 20sec delay with no watermark. Possibly an error that hasn’t been picked up yet? And I don’t believe there’s any animation with the Olympic rings twirling. The promo add-ons are the same however. Promo add-ons are also on 7flix - but 7flix seems to experience more issues/errors than the other channels too.


Isn’t that SCA7’s ident?

It originated with 7, but they didn’t use it for long. I actually think it was used more for sales presentations than on air.

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Oh right, didn’t know that!

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The last one I remember Seven using was the arrows " 》" one with the catchy theme and flashes of colour, Prime7 and GWN7 had a version too I’m pretty sure, you’d see it pop up across various channels from time to time.

But I guess that presentation package is now outdated/gone.

Which makes their Sport Olympics watermark with the “Live and Free” even older, doesn’t the divider " | " theme for Seven Sport go all the way back to the tennis at the start of 2012 more than nine years ago?

I think Prime had a gottaloveit ident for about two days of the new package:

It was replaced very quickly with this monstrosity


Surprised Seven didn’t put the watermark in the top-right corner during The Oscars so that it would feature on the other networks news bulletins when they air snippets of the ceremony (that’s if they don’t use ABC America’s broadcast instead)


Yeah, you’d have to imagine that the non-Seven Australian networks would’ve just gotten their US bureaus to record the Oscars off local television (ironically, another Channel Seven…) so as to avoid the Seven watermark.

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New Seven ident, shown before Big Brother. Variant for 7flix as well.


Saw this? But it was just this, about 1.5sec (no 7flix or anything else special?) It was the transition from H&A end credits split screen to the opening shot of BB.


Just saw it! Had a bit of a Netflix vibe to it in a way with the distinct mnemonic and quick transition from logo to black screen. I guess it’s a ‘Originals’ logo for Seven shows?

Well, I had my laptop out watching Simpsons as well as Big Brother. The transition happened in between the 2nd and 3rd episodes of Simpsons.

Good. I think they needed to bring the ident back and this is a perfect way to do it. I’ve been suggesting doing it this way for quite a while. Networks need to lift their profiles.



Play-out error (at least in Melbourne) on 7mateHD (LCN 74) tonight, with this pop-up appearing and suddenly freezing (before it has fully transitioned) for about 15sec at exactly 7min past / 23min to the hour 3 times in a row so far (including when the episode’s beyond started or even over):


Here’s the 7mate 7:30pm program opener-bumper (saw 7flix did one too, Channel 7 have one and presume 7Two also have one)

The 7mate one is animated slightly differently to the others.