Video (includes “welcome wink” )
Cheers for the new avatar, Cynic
As you’d expect, there’s no local 7 News bulletin airing around Regional QLD on Christmas Day.
Bulletins return on Boxing Day.
Closer tonight featured a Christmassy tune with footage of local Christmas lights displays.
While I’m in a VAST area, I’ve spent a bit of time watching the many regional 7 News bulletins on the news channels.
I was just recently watching the Rockhampton bulletin and noticed that last night (Wed 27 Dec) they’ve aired a story that I watched on the Mackay bulletin over a week ago.
At the end of the story, the reporter even said “her money will be returned in time for Christmas”.
Why air stories from other markets so late. Do they just find a random story that they think they can get away with slotting in to a blank space?
Watching more bulletins on VAST tonight and I can’t believe how many stories get shown in different markets on different nights.
I’ve already seen a bunch of stories tonight that aired in some markets yesterday, including one that I noticed was reworded slightly by the reporter to remove reference to the location from the original market.
I keep seeing Brisbane-based stories like this posted on the regional Facebook pages every now and again.
This story is referring to GO Cards, which are only used in southeast QLD - yet i’ve found it posted on the CQ page.
Aren’t Go Cards also used in Cairns? The Translink app has Cairns bus services listed.
But yeah someone at social media not doing their job properly.
No, just South-East Queensland. Cairns, Mackay and Toowoomba are all under the Translink banner but they don’t have smart cards. Should be introduced with the next generation ticketing.
New 7 Local News Queensland opening graphics Sunshine Coast, also includes Brisbane opener.
I swear Rob is getting worse every time I hear him.
winking kindly intensifies
The bloke that holds 7QLD together and leads them to a dominant Number 1 year after year.
And seemingly @Bort’s doppelgänger.
This inconsistency is what annoys me the most. Whether you are a fan of the new opening graphics or not, you can’t deny it looks a fair bit better over the two lines in that first headline compared to those others in one line.
Someone needs to make a call - “we’re doing the headline text over two lines or one line” (which looks awful with the scaled text). Just keep it consistent.
Thanks … for your. Comment. I do … agree. That.
His … delivery. Is becoming.
raises eyebrows
More. Stilted.
Live cross on the Sunshine Coast bulletin tonight. Unfortunate timing for the cap, but them’s the breaks.
From Katie Toney’s insta:
They have a second studio that they film some updates from (I assume this is so that can film updates at the same time as when the bulletins are being prerecorded).
In the secondary studio, the presenter sits in front of a TV screen which shows a photo of their normal studio background.
Given the size of the studio space in that photo, I’d say they’re talking about this smaller space used for updates, rather than their actual news studio.