Seven News Presenters and Reporters (2015-Sept 2020)

@Leostar Blake is presenting Afternoon News and Jacqui 6pm bulletin. Jen traditionally has the week that leads up to Christmas off.


Blake Johnson presenting his first bulletin for HSV7 (all caps from the bulletin will be posted here).


Goodbye Nick! Hopefully this means they won’t have to resort to him filling weekends now…
it’s like watching a robot.
Blake presenting… :ok_hand:t2:


Hopefully Blake replaces Jacqui on Afternoon News when she starts maternity leave in February.
Blake is a much better newsreader than Jacqui and Nick.


Woohoo I am able to watch the afternoon edition for the first time in months today.

Blake Johnson is pretty darn good. I hope he replaces Jacqui for good.

Although they should have just left her at 4 and let him present at 6pm.


Congrats Blake :slight_smile:


  1. Nick McCallum is filling-in for Tom Elliott on 3AW radio Drive, hence he can’t fill-in weeknights at the moment.

  2. Jacquie is now filling-in for Jennifer Keyte on the 6pm News .

  3. Peter Mitchell & now Jennifer Keyte are on holidays.

  4. Hence, Blake Johnson is now filling-in for Jacqui on the Afternoon News.

And if it hasn’t registered with anyone yet, Rebecca Maddern & Nick Etchells are no longer at the network.

What’s so diabolic about this whole situation, seems fairly logical to me :+1:

Coming from the west what else would you expect
Onya Blake


Monday (19.12.16) Max Futcher and Katrina Blowers are anchoring in Brisbane. Rohan Welsh is on sport and Laura Dymock is presenting the weather.
Tuesday (20.12.16) - Friday (23.12.16): Max Futcher and Katrina Blowers are anchoring in Brisbane with Rohan Welsh on sport. Paul Burt is on the weather.

Dean Felton is back at 7 so I wouldn’t be surprised if he or Blake present Christmas Day/Eve news.


7 News Melbourne strategy re presenters seems to be revolving around whenever Peter Hitchener retires at Ch 9. HIs replacement will determine who Ch 7 chooses to replace Peter Mitchell.

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Rebecca Maddern would have been an ideal choice, strong with authority that would hold ratings. I think Bec is also stronger than Loxley.

They don’t really have anyone strong enough to hold 6pm on the books, Jaq Felgate is pretty bad. Nine has Alicia, Tony and even Bec Maddern on the books.

They could push Jen across to weekdays but the weekend team would be too weak, no weather person and the sports guy struggles with live tv. Loxley/Stanaway/Judd are a strong team.

Seven should really poach Alicia Loxley for 6pm. Tony’s got 6pm in the bag and it’s well advertised within 9.


I don’t think it’s a sure bet on Tony Jones for Nine News. I expect Hitch to sign on for another extension, and Tony Jones has no charisma and has never really made an impact on anything else.

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Stranger things have happened. If Alicia wants weekdays it won’t be happening at 9 while Tony’s around.

Would be a clever move by 7. They did it with Usher.

Agree Tony isn’t the greatest of anchors, neither is Quarters at 10.

No but 9 News has had 3 anchors ever on GTV. They wouldn’t dare risk TJ I wouldn’t think.

I honestly don’t see Alicia Loxley becoming the main anchor of Nine News Melbourne, and I think that is a wise move. I think Rebecca Maddern is the only person currently employed by Nine who will be capable to retain Nine’s strong lead over Seven, post Hitch.

As for Seven, I think if Jones did take over for Hitch or Hitch remained longer than Mitch, Jennifer Keyte would take the main anchor. However, it would at all surprise me if Seven overlooked Keyte, like they have done to Bath, Doyle, Kay McGrath in other states.

Not to mention that Jennifer Keyte has already previously done weeknights as a double header with Glenn Taylor (which didn’t last longer than 12 months I’m pretty sure) then she was solo for a few years. It would be a bit like if Ann Sanders made a come back in Sydney, I think that it is very unlikely that Jennifer Keyte will be given the top job again


@Wade Jen and Glen anchored together from 1988-1989,she then presented solo from 1990-1995.

Back to earlier discussions despite Bec Maddern currently being on Nine ,l wouldn’t rule out that one day she might be lured back to Seven.She is currently happy with her roles at Nine but that could change in the years to come.

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What does Bec actually do for the other 6 months of the year?

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I doubt Maddern will anchor any news bulletins while she’s with Nine - the announcement of her hosting Ninja Warrior suggests she’s focused on presenting entertainment programs now


My goodness…

This forum is like comedy capers at the moment, enjoyable reading :grin:

“But when he retires and she retires… But when Mitch and Hitch… But what about Jen or Blake… And Bec or Loxley…”