Seven News Presenters and Reporters (2015-Sept 2020)

I actually would like to see the day Peter Overton defects to Seven.

I think Peteā€™s too loyal to Nine, so I canā€™t see him ever moving away from there.


I agree. Unless Seven were to give Peter Overton an offer he simply couldnā€™t refuse, thereā€™s absolutely no way heā€™s leaving Nine anytime soon.

Besides, Seven News Sydney will soon have Michael Usher. Personally I wouldnā€™t be too surprised to see a ā€œUsher vs Overtonā€ ratings battle on Sydney TV at 6pm in the future.


Apologies for the double post, but Michael Usher must be making his On-Air debut very soon if Seven News Sydney are featuring him in their latest promo:


Oh no. A ā€˜looming over your shoulderā€™ promo. Ferguson is doomed.


Hold up! You mean to tell me that there is more presenters on Seven News Sydney than just Mark Ferguson?! :wink:
But in all seriousness, it is so lovely to see the entire team, in particular Ann Sanders. Surprised tough Robert Ovadia did not make a feature.


Michael Usher starts tomorrow night on Seven News.


Looking forward to seeing him on Seven for the 1st time.


Looking at that group shot it strikes me that Seven should do a series of profile promos similar to Tenā€™s latest efforts.

Instead of just saturating us with the same old ridiculous deep-voiced promo over and over give us something interesting and fresh. The idea wouldnā€™t be to promote each person individually but to justify the ā€œbest teamā€ tagline, help establish stronger links between presenters and the audience (particularly the newer recruits) and to help build an image of Seven as being a big, powerful, resource-heavy media player rather than just a lightweight local operation.

Carry a few themes through the all profiles - city location, global reach, experienced, approachable, honest etc. Humanise the news service again, give people something to invest in. I reckon do the six core presenters plus Ann, Reaso, Mike Amor and Mark Riley. Use a common ender and a tagline like ā€œmake the switch to the best team in the businessā€ and drop the whole ā€œAustraliaā€™s #1ā€ nonsense.


I really like that Ann Sanders is in that shot. It is not a bad little promo truth be told.

Looking forward to seeing Michael tomorrow night.


Chris Reason is presenting the National Morning News today. I think he will also present the National Afternoon News as well today.


I do recall someone mentioning that Ann Sanders is more experienced than Angie Asimus, and I believe that Ann began presenting the news when Angie was still going to school!

Anyway thatā€™ll be the talks of the future now, when Seven (hopefully) gets rid of Ferguson (ASAP) for someone like Melissa Doyle or Michael Usher on Weeknights. I personally like to see Ferguson presenting the National bulletins like he did a few years ago, or just Sunday Night. Maybe this will help viewers finally see his true colours.

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Ann was presenting years before Angie was even born. She has a wealth of experience.


Sean Sowerby presented sport again this week in Melbourne.

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It has been a while, so it was nice to have him back this morning. [quote=ā€œTom_TV7, post:1027, topic:149ā€]
when Seven (hopefully) gets rid of Ferguson (ASAP) for someone like Melissa Doyle or Michael Usher on Weeknights

I highly doubt Melissa Doyle will not present Seven News Sydney in the distant future, possibly forever.


Unfortunately, thereā€™s probably more of a chance of seeing Melissa Doyle leave the network entirely than present Seven News Sydney anytime in the foreseeable future.


Anyone got video of the promo with Ann in it?

Agreed Mel sadly doesnā€™t have a future with Seven anymore, it wouldnā€™t surprise me we will see Usher replace her on Sunday Night eventually.


Itā€™s on twitter:

She was also included in the Everywhere promo from memory.

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